Encyclopedia of XP tweaks

Missing a tweak for Internet Explorer 6

I´m fed up of maximizing the Internet Explorer window every time I open it or another MSIE window. My "not very profesional" way of solving this is resithing the window to a "maximized size", but this is not the best solution, I think. Don´t any of you know a way to have them maximized by default?
Hi garthan.
This Problem was already discussed before (here or in another thread, I can't remember) and someone has yet to come up with a better solution than the one you're using.
[I.e., resizing a window to its fullest, then closing it so Explorer keeps the setting.]
OK, thanks for the quick answer and the info.

Now, if anyone could indicate about where to refer, I´d be grateful. I´ve being trying to find it by myself, but the search tool is disabled and this forum is huge.
Originally posted by garthan

Now, if anyone could indicate about where to refer, I´d be grateful. I´ve being trying to find it by myself, but the search tool is disabled and this forum is huge.

even we can't search...we're workin on that...sorry
I want to ask for your help guys...
Have you try to delete the screen savers that came with Windos???
(either version Pro and Home)???
When I delete they comeback 15 seconds later right in front of my eyes!!!!
Is there any way to get rid of it???
Thanks everybody and great night
For garthan again
This is not a tweak, but maybe a solution to your problem... HERE
Originally posted by dealer
sorry...bad post
Dealer, you're a mod now : You're not supposed to show weaknesses in front of commoners like us...

Steady on, boy !


(BTW, Congratulations)
Try this:

1. C: windows\system32
2. Delete the Screen Savers
3. Start > Run and then type C:\windows\system32\dllcache (This folder is really hidden, this is the easiest why to reach it.)
4. Delete the Screen Savers in that folder, they have the same name.

I don't know why microsoft does that...Its dumb if you ask me.


*Removing unwanted MS Screensavers
Dealer, you ham. :p
I think therefore I overload. Ummmm... Garthan, the search option is back on.
Well for now anyway. :)
ok, here's a quick shrtvut into services;

windows key+r, enter this with the qoutes

I found this on another site:

Uninstall "Hidden" Windows Components:

Apparently, Microsoft didn't want you to be able to remove useless garbage like Windows Messenger. It's installed by default, and it doesn't appear in the Add/Remove Program applet in Control Panel.

Thankfully, you can force the issue by editing the SYSOC.INF file, which is located in the C:\WINDOWS [or your Windows XP directory]\INF folder. Open it with Notepad.

Under the [Components] heading, you'll see a whole bunch of parameters for various Windows applets. Some of them contain the word "hide." Those particular programs, which include Windows Messenger (msmsgs), Terminal Server, Pinball, and others, are installed on your XP system, but their entries are hidden from and Add/Remove dialog.

To remove Windows Messenger, edit hide out of the line that reads


so that it looks like this:


Save the file, close it, and open the Add/Remove Program applet. Click on Windows Components button and you'll see Windows Messenger listed. Uncheck it and click Next to purge that silly program from your system.

Feel free to edit hide everywhere it appears in the SYSOC.INF file to reveal other removable Windows XP components.

Optimize XP
Hey guys, im pretty new here. I must say its been a painful xp-erience reading through all this. I have been here over 6 hours now i figure. So, Thanks for all your usful tweakage. Very nice indeed.

For my contribution, i will try to explain something i noticed. Its not a tweak, but just something to maybe explain why...

Twice in this thread i have seen the menupopup settings mentioned and one individual replyed saying -1 produces a 60 second delay. Actually its probably more like 65.535 seconds. To the explination, if you care :)


First a small bit on binary. Hopfully you know what its about but heres a quick basics...
_ _ _ _ <-- One nibble made up of 4 binary numbers, 1 or 0
these 4 spaces can make number. Its done by taking each place, and raising 2 to its position...

3 2 1 0 for the above example of places always start on the right, and at 0, so lets say we had a number that was all 1111, 2 ^ 0 = 1
Add that 1 to 2 ^ 2 and so on...1111= 15, 1000 = 8 and so on. Their is a little more to it concerning negative numbers, but that will be gotten to soon!

Keeping it simple, their are two types of integers. Signed and Unsigned. Whats the difference? +/-. Any number that is Signed has the possiblity of being negative as well as positive, which effectivly cuts the value range in half due to the first bit of the number being the sign indicatior, 1 is negative 0 is positive. So! That leaves Unsigned numbers, which are easier, take the number of bits your using raise 2 to that power, and you have the max value those bits can hold. pretty basic.

Now, onto the relavence, Regedit understands a signed number, it sees -1, so it says, ok, negative one. thats... "1111 1111 1111 1111" So it writes that value to the registry yes? This is assuming you have a two byte value for this particular menu setting, which i half guessed, but its kinda obvious, its a basic integer. When windows comes along at boot time, it says oh, look, a number, only seeing it as positive! Thus, you get FFFF which is none other than 65535! Translate that from milliseconds to seconds you got 65.535 seconds. Wanna see it in action for yourself? Try this....

On my XP system, i load Calc.exe (Calculator).

1) View -> Scientific
2) do the following equation 0 - 1 <enter>
Now you have -1 in the display i hope...
3) Click the binary radio button. lotta ones eh?
4) Click Hex! Now you get the FF's so..you see what i mean...
5) Click decimal, you sure don't get -1! This is the equivalent of -1 in unsigned form for 8 Bytes.

Now, you can type in FF FF to see that it also equals a bunch of 1s, and if its a 2 byte integer, that you are reading, signed it WILL be -1, unsigned is 65535. which is what you are telling windows by using -1. Hope you guys can understand this, as i dont always explain things so well. Sorry its not to benifitial to your tweaking needs, but hey. i hope someone learns just a wee bit from this.

If you need anything clairified, just ask ill do my best. G'day y'all ;)
lion and azz...thanx bunches for the contributions.

azz...gonna read this info later...thanx
ok, I got this from a man named tony kline, and it works for me...let me know how this does;

to open a window maximized;

Start IE, right click any link on a web page, and select Open in a New Window.
Go back to the first IE window you opened and close it.
Return to the second window and manually drag it to fill the screen.
(Do not use the maximize button, for that's a temporary setting that will not be retained.)

Now press the Ctrl button, and close this second window, holding the Ctrl button depressed, using 'close' in the File menu (important!).
All windows should now open maximized

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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