This is first post and I hope that people will give answer for the difficulty we are facing
1. I am havng machine (XP pro, p4-Hyperthreading) and as per the system's task manager the "System Idel Process" is showing 98% usage.
2. I run a antivirus check and a antispy program simultaneously.(for approx. 2 hrs they run)
3. In between i want to open a notepad and a Firefox and want to use them. A GTalk messenger is running in background. (I do toggle between them frequently in these 2 hrs.)
*Now the problem I am facing is..........................................................
The task manger showing 55% for "System Idel Process". At this point I am using firefox and want to switch to notepad which I used before 2 mins.
When I do switching the notepad takes literaly 30 seconds to just show up so I can Edit it.
Now a popup arrives from gtalk, and i am not getting the contents(message) for next two minutes.
Above was only one scenario. This also happens on a simple normal running (so the application running/responding slow).
One thing I want to say that, same scenario with same config (on Other) pc do not produce such result!
There the "System Idel process" is present but do not show up if computer is Idel.
Computer hardware is only as reliable as the People who invent and manufacture it.
Computer software is only as stable as the People who write it and input the data.
This is why we have such problems with PC's and why your system idle process really isn't the cause of your problem but it is a symptom.
If you want flawless performance with limited interactivity with the rest of the World then go get an Apple. That's why most serious computers are Apples. They work flawlessly, among themselves. Can we say PROPRIETARY?
I know in the last few Years Apple has tried to play nice but they just can't let go.
You wanna work hard and party? Go for a PC.
You wanna work hard and stay at Home? Get an Apple, it's as simple as that.
The problem with PC's vs Apple is this very situation. Apple is one entity. PC's are many and diverse. You have the manufacturer of the Motherboard, the manufacturer of the Chip set that goes on the Motherboard, The manufacturer of the video Card, Sound Card, Ram, external input devices i.e. Ports, Modem (does anyone use Modems anymore?), Hard Drives, CD and DVD drives, video Monitor and last but not least, the manufacturer of the software that runs the operating system as well as all the other programs that make a PC what we want it to be, something productive and entertaining.
I call this too many cooks in the Kitchen working on the same dish using recipes from different cultures. In the end you might get a great pizza, but sometimes there are things on it that just don't taste right. We eat it anyway but it's just not right.
That's why Apple works so well but can't play in the Back Yard with the other Kids, it has to go to a private School with the other Apples. They are very bright but limited when it comes to socializing and having fun.
PC's on the other Hand are fun fun fun! They play with everyone well, but not with one perfectly. It's like in real life. We can get along with just about anyone, including Apples but we have to compromise. Apples on the other Hand don't compromise and that's what makes them great! It also makes them snobs, that's why I can never bring myself to buy an Apple, I'm a People Person. I like freedom to chose who I play with.
I only wish more had invited IBM's OS2 Warp into the Back Yard when they came over to play but the majority chose Windows instead.
Any Computer is only as good as the operating system that controls it.
The PC's master is Microsoft.
Microsoft passes out it's game Book to whoever wants to play. Only problem is this, sometimes the Game Book gets updated. If the other Kids on the Block don't get the new Book they tend to play the Games in strange manners.
If you think about it, it's an awesome thing that PC's even boot up, given the circumstances.
Most good players really keep up with the newest Game Books so there's hardly ever a problem with the Game. Then there are the slower, lazy Kids that figure the Book they have is O-Tay, that's why some software and hardware works so well while others suck.
This is true with all aspects of PC Dom. You have Windows trying to control a machine with standard rules. If the machine doesn't understand the rules bad things happen. This is why on some machines windows acts flawlessly while in others it seems like a milestone just to launch Notepad.
Also, the machine is only as powerful as it's peripherals will allow.
Don't expect a Pentium 2 with 250meg of Ram and Motherboard Video to run Win XP and Doom 3 flawlessly.
But also keep in Mind that the mega PC you purchased from Fingerhut for $499 with a 3 Ghz P4, 1 Gig of Ram and some Video Card from a Country you've never heard of to run Doom 3 any better.
I have found after Years of PC tinkering the one thing that has helped the most. Always stay with manufacturers who sleep with Microsoft!
They cost more but your safe! You might get lucky going downtown for love but in the end you'll save allot of Time, trouble and money in Aspirin if you stay within the dysfunctional Family and smile, knowing that your Family is allot more fun, productive and easy to get along with than the Apples across the Tracks up on the Hill.
Hope this helps. Did I get Wordy? I get so Wordy sometimes...