So I went to connect my computer upto my HDTV.
My computer system is in the basement. I have had it running for awhile now without one single issue, it's actually been running the best in a long time. To express how well it has been running, it has been running F*CKING AMAZING, just to clarify how well.
I shutdown my computer and removed all cables to it. I brought it up stairs and pluged in the keyboard and mouse into it. I hooked up the DVI to HDMI cable to the videocard (in the same slot I believe as down stairs) and pluged in the power. I turned on the computer and nothing shows up and all I get is 1 long beep with 2 short beeps, over and over again. Now before I continue I researched that sound on google and everything that I found says that it means its a video issue.
After plugging the DVI to HDMI into my slot, i tried a different slot, same thing, I then brought my monitor upstairs from my room and plugged it in without the HDTV plugged in, same thing. I tried both the monitor and HDTV plugged in, I tried nothing plugged in, I tried differnt combos of the video card slots with the TV and Monitor, all give the same beeping error. After that I went through my system checking to see if somehow the videocard was miss placed or if the RAM was, I checked everything within my system, everything is the way it was when it was working in my room. I even cleared the CMOS and the same beeping error still happens.
So I was about to give up, then I tried different slots to plug the power into the wall, tried 4 differnt places and same issue. Once that was done I was about to freaking hurt someone, so I was like let me go back downstairs and plug it in like it was before all this. I brought it all back to my room and to at least a 98% sure-ness it's back to how it exactly was before I moved it upstairs. Turned it on and the same freaking thing happens, 1 long beep with 2 short beeps.
So I come to you from another computer to ask what the hell is going on? Oh and the DVI to HDMI cable is the correct type of DVI so it has not damaged my videocard. I don't understand what could be wrong now? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!