Encyclopedia of XP tweaks

If you don't fancy the idea of creating a New Key in the Registry, just make your way here:-

Double-click (Default) in the right side and type:-
Out of Control Panel

Or any other title that takes your fancy.
Originally posted by Ramanuman

(Dealer must be asleep, or he'd be very proud, I'm certain.)

dealer was surely asleep...he didn't think 500 would come that fast...and, with a tweak that's absolutely full fujitzimama.

x u d mn

Dirk, I just tried your registry hack...it didn't overwrite x's hack...?

nice nice job eveybody...!!!
Morning dealer, Dirk Diggler and Ramanuman. Wow, over 30,000 views and over 500 replies. People love this thread. :)
Originally posted by xsivforce
Morning dealer, Dirk Diggler and Ramanuman. Wow, over 30,000 views and over 500 replies. People love this thread. :)

mornin to you, x....you can not get more usefully things to do for your computer anywhere on the entire internet then you can get on this thread...and that means you can not get more usefull information for your box in the entire world doesn't it?...Plus...I think everything in here is pretty darned safe to try...plus...this thread is up to date with the latest information, for instance,as soon as we found out that the page file tweak was false, we were the first to post the information, we were more afraid of doling out misinformation, then maintaining petty pride.

Do you know there are sites that refuse to update their data file, even though they've seen the current data...not only on the page file, but other obsolete "tweaks" too...hard to understand that.

The most important thing about this thread is the personality that everybody brings to this table, but that includes the entire xperience site, doesn't it?...believe me, Ive been to every forum I can find, and there's no better place then this place for good peolpe...most of you I consider old friends.

this place is like home to me...I have to stop by, just to see how everybody's doing...do you notice how nice it is when an old family member that hasn't been by in a while makes a post?

Anyway, I've still got a coupla' small tweaks left, nothing huge, maybe something huge'll show it's face for 1000...maybe by then the registry master will work out the administrator in home...that would be one of the hugest accomplishments of XP tweakdom, wouldn't it?

Hey...I could go on forever, so I'll stop here...see everybody around.

Originally posted by dealer
The most important thing about this thread is the personality that everybody brings to this table, but that includes the entire xperience site, doesn't it?...believe me, Ive been to every forum I can find, and there's no better place then this place for good people...most of you I concider old friends.
Couldn't agree more. :)
Originally posted by dealer
I don't think anyone should use hibernate, or standby, so far, they eventually cause problems everytime I give them a chance, plus, I set my hard drive and screen to powerdown in power options properties...

BUT...when you do this, hibernation is still enabled, and using resources, so turn it off if you too are not going to use it, here's how;

control panel,performance and maintenance, power options, hibernate tab...uncheck "Enable hibernation"

I find it quite useful actually. I use a laptop, which I take to college every day. So I just hibernate rather than wait for the full shutdown/startup when changing lessons. Been doing it 5 months or so, no problems *shrug* (although I make it hibernate manually, NOT have it on a time limit).

TIP: Just found a shortcut completely by accident... winkey+E will open an explorer window for my computer (guess you guys already know that one :D) And a completely useless one unless you like M$ sam, winkey+U will open utility manager (please correct me if you have found a good use for this, lol)

Some very cool stuff on this site!!! The quick search for IE (eg. "goo XP") is particularly cool. And I love the dancing gif in dealer's sig, hehe.

Now I just gotta get myself an animated account icon... hehe I guess that's probably impossible.
Hi Rigsta. :)

I too like dealer's dancing girl animated gif. I saved it and opened it in my "gif movie gear" program : beautiful work.
But dealer didn't tell me how he either got it or made it.
And it's only 33kb ! -Just adding a light that follows the spyral on my icon got me a 200kb file !!!

Anyway, nice to welcome you here, Rigsta.
dirk diggler gave her to me, in exchange for a night with anna kanyakomova:D
Always make sure you do a restore point first before making any changes to your resistry.

There is an auto complete in the address bar, but it only works for a few domains. You can make the auto complete work for all domains.

Open regedit;

Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\UrlTemplate
Add or change the value named 2, changing its current data to www.%s.org.

Registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\UrlTemplate, add or change the value named 8, change its current data to %s.net.

Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\UrlTemplate, add or change the value named 9, change its current data to %s.edu.

Also, these numbers

7, change its current data of to %s.org.

6, change its current data to %s.com.

5, change its current data to www.%s.gov.

3, change its current data to www.%s.net.

10, change its current data to %s.gov.

4, change its current data of to www.%s.edu.

Worked like a charm for me :)
Kudos and a special Thank You to an awesome friend!
Originally posted by Dirk Diggler
If you don't fancy the idea of creating a New Key in the Registry, just make your way here:-

Double-click (Default) in the right side and type:-
Out of Control Panel

Or any other title that takes your fancy.

I like my title myself :p


This is a belated 500th post for dealer

Does your "Control Panel" look bare, would you like more stuff inside it?

Open up your Registry and make your way here:-

Right-click NameSpace and create as many of these Keys as you like:-
{2559a1f0-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0} This will add the "Search" function
{2559a1f3-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0} This will add the "Run" function
{48e7caab-b918-4e58-a94d-505519c795dc} This will add the Current Users "Start Menu" folder
{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} This will add the "Recycle Bin"
{7be9d83c-a729-4d97-b5a7-1b7313c39e0a} This will add the All Users "Programs" folder
{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D} This will add "Internet Explorer"

If your "My Computer" looks bare, you can add things to it.
Open up your Registry and make your way here:-

Right-click NameSpace and create as many of these Keys as you like:-
{2559a1f0-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0} This will add the "Search" function
{2559a1f3-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0} This will add the "Run" function
{48e7caab-b918-4e58-a94d-505519c795dc} This will add the Current Users "Start Menu" folder
{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} This will add the "Recycle Bin"
{7be9d83c-a729-4d97-b5a7-1b7313c39e0a} This will add the All Users "Programs" folder
{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D} This will add "Internet Explorer"
{0DF44EAA-FF21-4412-828E-260A8728E7F1} This will add "TaskBar and Start Menu"
{6DFD7C5C-2451-11d3-A299-00C04F8EF6AF} This will add "Folder Options"
{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E} This will add "Network Connections"
{D20EA4E1-3957-11d2-A40B-0C5020524152} This will add the "Fonts" folder
{D20EA4E1-3957-11d2-A40B-0C5020524153} This will add "Administrative Tools"
{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} This will add "Scheduled Tasks"
{E211B736-43FD-11D1-9EFB-0000F8757FCD} This will add "Scanners and Cameras"

Have you ever opened Administrative Tools and wondered where the Group Policy Editor or the Registry Editor were. Two of the more useful administration tools are absent, you then have to go to "Run" and type the name of it in before you can use it, daft.
Open up "Administrative Tools" in "Control Panel", leave the window open, then go to
and either create a shortcut of it and then Cut and Paste the shortcut into the Administrative Tools window. Or just Drag and Drop a copy of gpedit.msc into the Admin Tools window.

Do the same for Regedit, this can be found here:-

If you have "Administrative Tools" on your "Start Menu" as a menu, all the good stuff is just 2 clicks away.

well, I wake up in the mornin,... I open my box,... I hit my very cool "new posts" favorites,''' I look at a coupla problems people are havin', I scroll down,....ahhhhhhhh...there are a couple of new posts in the "my favorite tweaks thread"...first post...it's jewelzz ...what's that, an excellent tweak...could it be true?...I try an auto complete on a dot org...true, no auto complete, I hack up the jewelzz bit...voiala...auto complete for .org!!!!I gotta See what everyone says about that!!!....

next post is from the mighty


ohhh baby, one of the coolest title bars in title bar history...

OK, now I'm gonna scroll down a little more...

IT'S DIRK DIGGLER ...wait a bloomin minute !!!(I used bloomin instead of fujistic in deference to our friend from across the pond) .

I thought there where no huge tweaks left in xp...could it be...DEALER WAS WRONG...yes, it's true, this is a huge toy to play with isn't it.

so, now the dillema...who do I post to first...jewelzz ? for the tweak that ms should have made a standard right out the box?...

gonaads? ...for that unbelievable work of art.

or Dirk Diggler ...for yet another incredible registry hack, this time with tons of new toys to play with.

I'M SPEECHLESS, AND AT A LOSS FOR WORDS, , (is that phrase redundant?...nevermind, that's for the fun thread)

holy fuuuuuujitztsmegamoma
Wow! If we keep this up, we are going to end up inventing our own OS. How about we call it "dealerOS" :)
OK got a swift tweak for getting to boot.ini:

Press WinKey+Pause
Click Advanced
Press Alt+T
Press Alt+E

Hey presto ur in the boot.ini file.

Now u can modify the last line to change ur boot screens:


"To change your bootscreen:

Method 1

You can add a new line to your boot.ini file, giving you a choice of which Bootscreen you wish to view

1) Download the .zip file containing your new boot screen to your computer

2) Extract ntoskrnl.exe to a directory other than %windir%\system32 (most likely
C:\windows\system32), for example C:\Temp.

3) Rename the ntoskrnl.exe in your C:\Temp directory to another name, for example to ntosboot.exe (8 letters max)

4) Move or copy your ntosboot.exe from your C:\Temp directory to the %windir%\system32 directory (most likely C:\windows\system32)

5) Modify your boot.ini file: Edit your boot.ini file
by using my key presses above

6) In the boot.ini file you have to copy the line you use normally use for boot (this is usually the last line, eg:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\Windows="Windows XP" /fastdetect ), and paste this copy underneath. At the end of this new line, add this text: "/KERNEL=ntosboot.exe" (The name 'ntosboot.exe' should be whatever you renamed the ntoskrnl.exe to when you extracted it to C:/Temp (in Step 3))

7) Here is an example of the modified boot.ini, with a new last line added:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\Windows="Windows XP" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\Windows="My Fujistical OS" /fastdetect/KERNEL=NTOSBOOT.EXE

7) Exit & save the boot.ini file

6) Reboot your PC. You should get an option as to which OS you wish to boot into - to test your new bootscreen, select 'BootTest'
Your system should now show the boot picture of your choice while booting!

I think that this is the safest method, because if something goes wrong, you can just reboot and select the original operating system from the boot list.
It's also practical, because if you wish to change/test your bootscreen in future, you just have to repeat step 1 to 4.

Method 2

Boot into Safe Mode or DOS. This is the only way you can actually overwrite/replace 'ntoskrnl.exe', due to the fact that XP protects it as a system folder.

1) Backup (copy) the file %windir%\system32\ntoskrnl.exe (most likely
C:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe - the boot screen)

2) Download the .zip file to your computer

3) Extract ntoskrnl.exe to a directory other than %windir%\system32 (most likely

4) Reboot your computer into Safe Mode (hit F8 before the boot screen) or into true DOS (from a boot disk)

5) In Safe Mode, overwrite the file %windir%\system32\ntoskrnl.exe (which should have been backed up) with the extracted exe

6) Reboot your computer as you normally would

Alternatively you can use a program like BootXP..."
Hey, thanks a1!

Never trusted programs like bootscreen... always liked to keep everything my way! :eek:
what does auto complete do exactly... im not even sure i know what it is to begin with.
and what is that xsive-tweak do?

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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