
for someone who doesnt care for this place you sure do post alot.
PseudoKiller said:
you could always go elsewhere... dont like it here then go away.

bet you've been waiting all of 5 minutes to make that lame comment.

i aint the one with ''nazi'' on their profile, which proves a point.

Grow up and go get yourself a gf..

You really do have a problem with me, then ignore me. if I could ignore you I would.
Lee said:
bet you've been waiting all of 5 minutes to make that lame comment.

i aint the one with ''nazi'' on their profile, which proves a point.

Grow up and go get yourself a gf..
do you really want to go down this road again... its getting old and so is your whining.
Geez... what's all this about? :confused:

BTW, I don't think PK's wife would appreciate him getting a girlfriend. :p
Lee, ya gotta remember that PseudoKiller is the King of sarcasm. Plus seriously if you have a comment 'bout the way the forums look there IS a section under the heading of "Site Related" called "Problems and Feedback". Go there and post.

Then maybe PseudoKiller will leave ya alone.
Well... maybe not.
gonaads said:
Lee, ya gotta remember that PseudoKiller is the King of sarcasm. Plus seriously if you have a comment 'bout the way the forums look there IS a section under the heading of "Site Related" called "Problems and Feedback". Go there and post.

Then maybe PseudoKiller will leave ya alone.
Well... maybe not.
prolly not... but ya never know. could start something new. maybe. one day. maybe even today. prolly not... to old to start new stuff.
PseudoKiller said:
prolly not... but ya never know. could start something new. maybe. one day. maybe even today. prolly not... to old to start new stuff.

*Is PseudoKiller sick?* *Tries to take PseudoKiller's temperature* Damn! Why won't this an4l thermometer go in?

there is no point in firing back at each other. this place is great and has been for quite some time and I was around back in the xp-erience.org days but never really posted to it I don't think?..eh whatever all I know is I go to both osnn and neowin and I like them both but the best part about here is that there is no real fighting and crappy fanboyish garbage here where everyone respects each others opinions and people actually follow the rules of things like sticky's about the AMD 64 club and things where they say no flaming and other things...that's why I love coming here and post like crazy here and only post there once every month!(no offense to neowin) I just like it here better
I like goto about 60 different places during my working days at home. I do bother to post any mail i get nething I find that might be of use , freeware, upgrades, stories and some small ingredients which I thought would be of the up most interest to one-n-all.
I made a comment about what i feel, the colour scheme here is drab, chinzty and very two tone.

As to receive a comment like if you don't like it get lost, to me is a dig.

If you don't want me to post no more stuff I pick up during my 18 hour working day, that is o.k. just say so. If I am not wanted here, well no skin off, of my nose.

Just say so and I won't bother. Thanks, :|
Tuffgong4 said:

there is no point in firing back at each other. this place is great and has been for quite some time and I was around back in the xp-erience.org days but never really posted to it I don't think?..eh whatever all I know is I go to both osnn and neowin and I like them both but the best part about here is that there is no real fighting and crappy fanboyish garbage here where everyone respects each others opinions and people actually follow the rules of things like sticky's about the AMD 64 club and things where they say no flaming and other things...that's why I love coming here and post like crazy here and only post there once every month!(no offense to neowin) I just like it here better

Exactly my thoughts.

Lee said:
I like goto about 60 different places during my working days at home. I do bother to post any mail i get nething I find that might be of use , freeware, upgrades, stories and some small ingredients which I thought would be of the up most interest to one-n-all.
I made a comment about what i feel, the colour scheme here is drab, chinzty and very two tone.

As to receive a comment like if you don't like it get lost, to me is a dig.

If you don't want me to post no more stuff I pick up during my 18 hour working day, that is o.k. just say so. If I am not wanted here, well no skin off, of my nose.

Just say so and I won't bother. Thanks, :|

Don't take it so seriously, Lee. Your contribution to the forum is appreciated. I think the only reason PK got a little put off by the comment you made was because there have been several threads already about site themes, and EP has made it known time and again that new themes WILL come in due course. The site has gone through rough times, but it has pulled through nonetheless, and there are still lots of things that need to be sorted that take higher precedence than forum themes. In fact, there is a whole To-Do list thread in the Mod forum that EP and X-Istence are working on.
The point is we just have to be patient. Personally, I quite like the current forum theme. It's not the best, but it works. So hang in there. Good things come to those who wait.
Well said NetRyder. BTW, I can't find the Mod forum! :p

Speaking of the To-Do list thread, is there a good reason why that can't be made public as a sticky or something in Site Related? I'm always interested in how the site is taking shape and what changes are to come about. Plus, it might cut back on people making suggestions for things that are already in-the-works. Just by 2 pennies. :)
Lee said:
I liked the colours, beats this boring colour scheme here.

It was nicer to be at also.

WHOA... dont all get your tits twisted. My intial comment was made at the ABOVE quote... the second part. "It was nicer to be at also" part. I could give 2 ****s what he thinks about the theme itself. That second, mean spirited comment I didnt like, so I stated my suggestion, if thats the way he feels then he can go elsewhere. I wasnt angry I was disapointed in him. Especially since he posts like every 30 seconds. Seemed hypocritical to me. Seems like its ok for him to voice his opinion about everything, but god forbid I should say something about him.
muzikool said:
Well said NetRyder. BTW, I can't find the Mod forum! :p

Speaking of the To-Do list thread, is there a good reason why that can't be made public as a sticky or something in Site Related? I'm always interested in how the site is taking shape and what changes are to come about. Plus, it might cut back on people making suggestions for things that are already in-the-works. Just by 2 pennies. :)

Bring that suggestion up with epunk. Ill be posting my list of todo shortly.
muzikool said:
Well said NetRyder. BTW, I can't find the Mod forum! :p

It's called that for a reason, you know.

Speaking of the To-Do list thread, is there a good reason why that can't be made public as a sticky or something in Site Related? I'm always interested in how the site is taking shape and what changes are to come about. Plus, it might cut back on people making suggestions for things that are already in-the-works. Just by 2 pennies. :)

I don't know...I guess that's upto EP whether he chooses to make it public or not.
Everyone please get along... Comments are fine and dandy, but how about some suggestions to go with them. You don't like the color scheme, make a suggestion. You ever heard of constructive criticizm?

We don't want to have to close this thread. It is a good thread, sooo, be nice.

Plus, I'll take stability over pretty colors any day. Forums are stable and healthy, then pretty color schemes.

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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