What is your view?

I'm just trying to get people to realize what millions of people used to rely on as a source for all their needs. It just pisses me off that the government hides the fact that marijuana has been around for thousands of years and was used for many good things..... How could it be named "One of the safest therapeutic substances known to man" by Francis L. Young, the Administrative Law Judge, AND not be linked to one single causing of death to anyone... and still be considered bad? :confused: Sounds like to me some people need to get their facts straight. Thousands of people are losing their lives because of Alcohol, Tobacco, Aspirin, Caffeine, etc... Which are ALL legal substances, compared to marijuana's 0 deaths.
LeeJend said:
It needs to be legalized. Prohibition (alcohol made illegal in the 1930's) was what started organized crime in the USA. When Prohibition was repealed the crime syndicates shifted to drugs. If all drugs were legalized organized crime would loose 80% of it's income and also loose the support of the drug using community making organized crimes defeat easier.

As for using drugs (that includes alcohol)... I see no reason to intentionally make yourself stupider than you already are. I've had more fun straight than I've ever had wasted (sex, sports, parties, whatever).

Historical notes:
-All drugs were legal prior to Prohibition. They only repealed the alcohol part though.
-The slogan "Coke, it's the real thing!" Originated prior to prohibition. The original Coca Cola had a cocaine derivitive in it. The cocaine extract was replaced with caffiene (another upper drug) when Prohibition made the coca leaf extract illegal.
-Cigarette manufacturers intentionally add nicotine to cigarettes to keep people hooked using carcinogetic cigarettes. (This was proven in USA federal courts in the 1990's and the tobacco industry fined 100's of billions of dollars.)

Is anyone else bothered by the totally inconsistant approach by government to control mind altering drugs?

AMEN brother! Speak the truth!

crime would go down so much if the government controlled it...what would be left for organized crime to do?

this will be harsh but if someone turns into an addict (and I've had people die close to me from being and addict) you have chosen that life and deserve the consequences! I have never and will never feel bad for those I have lost or that others have lost for dumb decisions they have made.

also to add there are very good medicinal reasons to use weed as long as it's prescribed,
Richy said:
I'm just trying to get people to realize what millions of people used to rely on as a source for all their needs. It just pisses me off that the government hides the fact that marijuana has been around for thousands of years and was used for many good things..... How could it be named "One of the safest therapeutic substances known to man" by Francis L. Young, the Administrative Law Judge, AND not be linked to one single causing of death to anyone... and still be considered bad? :confused: Sounds like to me some people need to get their facts straight. Thousands of people are losing their lives because of Alcohol, Tobacco, Aspirin, Caffeine, etc... Which are ALL legal substances, compared to marijuana's 0 deaths.

c'mon zero? one joint is as bad as something like 16 cigarettes...and I know a lot of people that aren't just smoking little baby joints...I'm talking blunts bongs, gas masks(may favorite to watch) steam rollers!..If I smoked 3 blunts a day I would die from cancer fo' sho cause weed smoke is way worse for you than cigarette smoke
One can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories and 30 to 55 mg of caffeine.
Considering that the target audiance of soda is mostly young teens, I'd say that soda is one mean mother****er -
And still, I'm sure that most members here have drank soda in one point of their lives.
Matter of fact, I'm drinking soda while I'm writing this (and smoking a cigarette).

My point is, there is a thing called personal responsibility, and even tho democracy by definition takes personal responsibility to a higher public level, the best the goverment (any goverment) can do for us is let us know exactly what we are consuming and leave the choice of consumption to us.
Did you know a bowl of cornflakes has the same amount of salt as a bowl of sea water?? :eek:
The box is more healthier than the Cornflakes b.t.w. Blah@GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR HEALTH MINISTERS.
Tuffgong4 said:
c'mon zero? one joint is as bad as something like 16 cigarettes...and I know a lot of people that aren't just smoking little baby joints...I'm talking blunts bongs, gas masks(may favorite to watch) steam rollers!..If I smoked 3 blunts a day I would die from cancer fo' sho cause weed smoke is way worse for you than cigarette smoke

LOL... yeah that ciggarette BS is all a part of the governments lies to keep marijuana illegal. But think about it dude, do you EVER hear anything about a person dieing from marijuana? Technically, The only possible way to overdose on marijuana is to smoke about 1,500 lbs. in 15 minutes, which makes it impossible to induce a lethal response. There is also no record of marijuana causing a lethal response to anyone, ever...., in thousands of years of recorded human history. And yes, that does mean that nobody has ever got CANCER from doing marijuana......
I was born and raised in the Netherlands.

Smoking marijuana is legal there, or say: it has been decriminalized.

I used to smoke it, usually in the weekend right before we'd go out and
shoot some pool. And boy, I'll tell ya... we had some crazy games out there! :D
The most common effects of marijuana on me were that I would feel veeery
relaxed, I would be in a very good mood, and I would start laughing about
the silliest things. In fact, sometimes I'd almost pee my pants because I
couldn't stop laughing.
Fortunately I never had to wear diapers... :rolleyes:

Now, for the last 9 years I have been living in the U.S.
Over here it's illegal so I don't smoke it anymore.
Although I have learned that it is really not difficult to buy it here... :eek:

Richy said:
Thousands of people are losing their lives because of Alcohol, Tobacco, Aspirin, Caffeine, etc... Which are ALL legal substances, compared to marijuana's 0 deaths.
Not true. Smoking marijuana can have the same effects that alcohol does
as far as reaction and awareness is concerned.
Ever tried drinking and driving, or smoking weed and driving?
It's basically the same.

Benny said:
One can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories and 30 to 55 mg of caffeine.
Yup. And one raspberry has 6 grams of fiber and 1 calorie.

Benny said:
My point is, there is a thing called personal responsibility, and even tho democracy by definition takes personal responsibility to a higher public level, the best the goverment (any goverment) can do for us is let us know exactly what we are consuming and leave the choice of consumption to us.
Exactly. If you ever decide to run for president, you'll have my vote. ;)

Richy said:
There is also no record of marijuana causing a lethal response to anyone, ever...., in thousands of years of recorded human history. And yes, that does mean that nobody has ever got CANCER from doing marijuana......
See above.
Also, it depends on how you smoke it - pure, or with tabacco mixed in it.

Richy said:
LOL... yeah that ciggarette BS is all a part of the governments lies to keep marijuana illegal. But think about it dude, do you EVER hear anything about a person dieing from marijuana? Technically, The only possible way to overdose on marijuana is to smoke about 1,500 lbs. in 15 minutes, which makes it impossible to induce a lethal response. There is also no record of marijuana causing a lethal response to anyone, ever...., in thousands of years of recorded human history. And yes, that does mean that nobody has ever got CANCER from doing marijuana......

It's not about overdosing it's about long term effects. How many people do you know that smoke weed are very open to their doctors about how much weed they smoke. it does kill your lungs.

Personally I think all drugs should be legal, and who do you think would be able to benefit from legal marijuana more than other companies, the tobacco companies - they have the land and resources to jump right in to growing and harvesting and packaging all the weed they want with just a switch of a cigarette factory turning to a joint factory
Richy said:
Thousands of people are losing their lives because of Alcohol, Tobacco, Aspirin, Caffeine, etc... Which are ALL legal substances, compared to marijuana's 0 deaths.
I just think its pretty stupid that alcohol and cigs can be legal but not weed. The only reason they keep it legal is cause of the tax on them. So what i think is to make weed legal with a tax or somethin. Its not like its hard to buy or grow anyway just gotta be carefull not getting caught like me :(
Tuffgong4 said:
I think you meant paracetemol (killed my mom!) - Aspirin makes you sick before you die - paracetemol eats your liver!

Grep has my vote - he has clearly grepped this! :cool:
Mainframeguy said:
Aspirin makes you sick before you die - paracetemol eats your liver!
Aspirin can actually cause stomach bleedings if taken too frequently.
However, whenever you witness somebody having a heart attach, it's good
to give that person an aspirin!

I can't take Aspirin cause it causes an inflammation in my stomach :eek: I was in agony for weeks before I realised what was causing it :mad:
grep said:
Not true. Smoking marijuana can have the same effects that alcohol does
as far as reaction and awareness is concerned.
Ever tried drinking and driving, or smoking weed and driving?
It's basically the same.
Not exactly true, Alcohol for example raises your self comfidance and weed does the opposite. Also alcohol lowers your Awareness of the surrounding environment, weed still makes it possible to concentrate (tho hard :p ).
(Not that I'm saying its okay to drive while stoned)

What most people don't realise is that Alcohol, Marijuana, Tobacco even coffee and certain types of food are all subcategories of the same mental disease.
But the occasional consumption of any of the above is fine, as long as its not an addiction and not a risk to others.
Theres a lot of concern about the risk of cancer when smoking it. So don't smoke it, eat it! Weed pizza is a favourite.

As for the therapuetic values, it has recently been discovered that it acts as an SSRI and inhibits the reuptake of Seratonin, which is what some antidepressants, such as Prozac, do. The side affects of Prozac and other SSRIs are a lot greater than with cannabis, especially when it's eaten rather than smoked. It can also be 'vaporised' which heats the cannabis to a very high temperature and destroys the carcinogens but leaves the active chemicals intact or smoked through a water pipe/bong, in which a lot of the carcinogens are absorbed by the water, both of which reduce the risk of cancer.

As for 1 spliff being equivilant to 16 cigarettes, it's a lot closer to 3, due to spliffs not having filters and if your smoking weed your a lot more likely hold the smoke in your lungs for longer. Also, you tend to smoke a lot less spliffs than you would cigarettes so the risk of contracting cancer if you only smoke spliffs is still lower than if you only smoke cigarettes.

I smoke cannabis regularly and I find that my mood in general is much better and I have a lot lower stress levels. I much prefer cannabis to alcohol as I'm a lot more relaxed and in control after smoking than I am after drinking. There have been occasions where I have noticed some side affects, but only minor ones, such as feeling a bit lethargic the morning after smoking a lot or, very rarely, getting a slightly increased feeling of paranoia. In combination with alcohol it tends to make me feel sick, so I'm very careful to moderate what I'm doing if I'm doing both, which I don't very often.

As far as cannabis being a 'gateway' drug, I have mixed opinions about this. I think in general that if someone is prepared to try banned 'drugs' such as cannabis they are more likely to be prepared to try stronger drugs. This isn't anything to do with the effects of cannabis, or any feeling of needing something stronger after smoking cannabis, in my opinion. I think the decriminalisation of cannabis would actually help remove the perception of it as a gateway drug, as it would be no longer banned substance and wouldn't produce the same peer pressure effect to get people to try it.

If I had my way I'd decriminalise cannabis and have alcohol removed from human conciousness. Just banning it wouldn't have the desired effect and would cause more problems. The reason I'd like to be rid of it is many a good night out has been spoiled by drunken people getting agressive and looking for fights, something which wouldn't be an issue if the people had been smoking cannabis instead, as anyone who has smoked it will know it gives you a relaxed, non-agressive feeling of well being, in my experience at least.

If this changes even one persons opinion of cannabis I'll be happy. I've spoken to quite a few people about cannabis and most, not all, people I've spoken to who are against it haven't looked into it and are just repeating media/government/education message "Drugs are bad". After talking to them about it, most people feel undecided, some people want to try it, some people feel the same. I urge anyone who doesn't know much about it to look into it, not necessarily try it for themselves, although it would improve understanding of it, before forming a strong opinion and speaking adamantly on the subject.

Hope you enjoyed the essay :)
Well, apparently according to scientific experimentation they have already suggested that as much as _one_ cup of coffee a day is enough to make you a junkie... as certain people can have bad side effects from not having the coffee and cause you to want more.
Pothead/junkie/alcoholic...all the same in my book. I had a big rant typed out, but I figured I be best off just saying that I've seen too many alcoholics and junkies ruin their lives and the lives of people around them to see any benefit from the stuff, medical or otherwise. The world isn't screwed up enough that people have to alter their reality to cope? C'mon, thats a cop out.
I read the CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA site and as soon as I scrolled CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA down the page I had to begin to wonder if this wasn't some CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANACANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANACANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANACANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANACANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANACANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA livejournal or something. Can the pro marijuana crowd pull someone more credible or educated up to speak their point? He makes statements like "The U.S. Army/Navy standards purchasing specifications list HEMP OIL as the NUMBER ONE preferred lubricant for their machinery", yet he fails to back them up at any point on the page. No links, no bibliography, nothing.

Anyway, I personally believe that marijuana is the same as anything else in life; anything in excess can be bad. Hamburgers can make you fat and die of heart attacks, driving too fast can make you get in wrecks, and alcohol causes liver diseases.

However, I believe a person is to honor their king and obey the laws of the land. Work toward legislation to legalize it; it's the beauty of living in a free country! But if everyone started breaking laws simply because they disagreed with them, society would be in the tank quickly.

Do you know what happens when you smoke so much pot that it inhibits your writing skills? -->"It is the KING KONG of the King Kongs of all plant life."


Nick said:
If I had my way I'd decriminalise cannabis and have alcohol removed from human conciousness.

I agree with that 100%
Benny said:
Not exactly true, Alcohol for example raises your self comfidance and weed does the opposite. Also alcohol lowers your Awareness of the surrounding environment, weed still makes it possible to concentrate (tho hard :p ).
I have to disagree again. On both points.
I am just going to assume that it depends on the person.

There was a time (of course when I was single :p ) when I used to be able
to drink like a fish. Now, after having been married for almost 10 years, I
don't drink anymore. And I don't miss it either.

The fact is though, that nowadays it only takes me one single drink, and I'm flat on my back.

Benny said:
What most people don't realise is that Alcohol, Marijuana, Tobacco even coffee and certain types of food are all subcategories of the same mental disease.
But the occasional consumption of any of the above is fine, as long as its not an addiction and not a risk to others.
Well, define addiction...? One of my co-workers needs one (1) cup of coffee
in the morning to wake up, one of my friends needs at least five (5!!!) to be
able to function properly.
Maybe 5 cups of coffee sounds like a whole lot to some of you... maybe some of
you have more than 5, and that might even seem like normal to you...
So, again, define addiction...

Also, I'd rather call it psychological in stead of mental disease,
sounds a leetle beet more positive. ;)

Besides, it's the chemicals in there that make it addictive.
Like, in cigs it's the nicotine, in coffee it's the cafeine...
which is also in a bunch of sodas. Anyone hooked on Mountain Dew or Jolt out here?

And how about chocolate? Anybody care for chocolate? :p


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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
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Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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