Warner Bros. Picks Blu-Ray Over HD-DVD

Well interesting rumor is now floating around, Paramount may jump from HD-DVD to Blu-Ray which if true could finish the "war" between HD-DVD and Bluray


That's interesting since Sony has since December thought that Paramount would come back to the Blu-ray format even though they had sided with the HD format. According to an interview with Rachel Banin, Sony's home video product manager (it's about 3/4 of the way down in the interview).


Also at the CES the atmosphere was... well this quote says it all.

The atmosphere between the two booths were polar opposites. The Blu-ray folks were feeling very content after the Warner Bros. announcement, while HDDVD reps looked disheartened.

[link to quote and full article and images]

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At least until Mempile releases their one TB disc in the first quarter, than you are going to see the blu-ray folks scramble.
Well hmmm, they came out with this technology back in June of 07 and they weren't gonna have full blown prototypes for another year and a half and they are gearing for enterprise archiving applications. In August they had prototypes and they were reaching only 600 to 800GB. Plus drives for these things wouldn't be out on the market for 2 or 3 years. I doubt very much that this Blu-ray HD war is gonna last that long. You will probably see the winner by mid year.

And there hasn't been anything new in the Trades as to the progress of this disk since August of last year.
Yup. It will take another year or 2 for the price of the new players to go down to where they are more appealing and then how many of us will want to recreate their library of movies in High Def? That's a ton of money in my case. Did it once with my VHS movies and I have yet to complete. And I probably won't either.
well.. first.. i used to like hddvd over blu ray, but now i think one should just win so it can get more widespread

and gonaads.. well, idk everyone else, but i wont be re-buying all my movies in hi def... just ones that feature really great transfers (or maybe some i have early dvd releases, which dont look so good) and new movies
Me for one I will not re-buy all my DVD's that would be insane ... I will wait and see how things go and maybe purchase either one or the other sometime down the line ...
Eh, so many promises and features that Bluray is supposed to have, but yet HD-DVD movies have more now and are the better value.
The studios should do a trade in system to help push the format. You can take in your DVDs and upgrade them to Blu-ray for maybe £5 or something.

Like iTunes DRM to iTunes Plus
The studios should do a trade in system to help push the format. You can take in your DVDs and upgrade them to Blu-ray for maybe £5 or something.

Like iTunes DRM to iTunes Plus

There is no need re-buy everything, just get a DVD player that upconverts to 1080i. This was an asinine war to begin with, consumers will not reinvest their money into something that only adds marginal add-ons. This is where the consumers lost out, Blu-ray doesn't have the features that HD-dvd had, ultimately they will, but right now they don't.

Besides wait until Sony decides to use their BD+ encryption, that is built into the Blu-ray format, and totally bricks most of the players including the PS3s' out there. Think they won't, Sony has not made a good encryption decision yet, it is only a matter of time.:mad:
Well LG has solved the format issue with a player that can play both, downside its $999 but would not take up as much space as both a standalone HD-DVD and Blu-Ray players would.

Well I don't really care at the moment which one wins as long is one does, because as somebody said once we get a single format the prices should go down.

I guess we'll find out soon enough to the outcome
Joe Public doesn't care. Both of these formats are still losing majorly to DVD. It doesn't matter, at some point the prices will come down and Joe Public will go into Walmart or that darn Best Buy and pick up a 120 dollar BD or HD DVD player.

The first chance I have a BD player or HD DVD player is if, 1 I get a PS3 (with which FF13 coming out at some point I will have one) or if HD DVD wins the format war cause prices are closer to sane than other formats.

Also I won't probably buy anything until there are reasonable prices on either HD or BD burners for a computer.
We just bought a PS3 80gig with Motorstorm so I guess we are now in the Blu_Ray camp


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Why do you have to have all three? :s And then you post a picture of them. :(
Yes and it has an intercooler on the back also.

We will also be getting cooling for the PS3 , it gets as hot as a George Forman grill and kinnda looks like one as well !!
gonaads;817433 That's a ton of money in my case. Did it once with my VHS movies and I have yet to complete. And I probably won't either.

Ummm, in process right now. Burning all my old movies off of Satellite HBO to DVD. Costs me $0.33 for each plus $0.25 to make a nice label. Have 25 done so far...

And since I own the liscence for the movie already (VHS tape) this is probably even legal, without even invoking the "time shift" argument.

Sooo, when I switch to HD Satellite, probably this year since SD looks like crap on the new HD LCD TV, I wait a little while for burner and media prices to drop and do her again.

With the nifty DVD cropping software (XPchopper) I've found I can even record over the air and commercialized satellite movies and just crop out the commercials.

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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