

OSNN Senior Addict
10 Feb 2003
This program will completely replace the tray clock on the right hand side of your start menu bar by replacing the 'start' text with the current time.

To access the date/time menu press CTRL+ALT+D, to exit the script press CTRL+ALT+X.

  • added INI configuration for easy customization of StartClock
    - 24HourClock ; turns on 24 hour clock
    - 12HourClock_WithSeconds ; turns seconds on 12 hour clock
  • cannot double click on the icons in systray to open them. Resolved?
  • when StartClock is running, the tool tip hovering forum links does not work. Resolved.

* New official homepage, thank you Electronic Punk!
Official Homepage


  • screenshot_clock.jpg
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It's getting better. Still some bugs that I see. Not being picky, just helping you improve on a great desktop enhancement.

1) Double clicking on systray icons is improving, although the problem is still there. It works better in 24hr format than 12hr.

2) When a window appears, the clock disappears and takes some time to reappear. It appears quicker in 24hr format than 12hr. (I can make a video showing this if need be.)

3) Don't know if this is a bug or caused by my start button. My start button has no words on it. The problem is the clock appears in 12hr format, but in 24hr it only shows the first digit. Screenshot is attached.

Keep up the good work. 😉


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ziptrx said:
It's getting better. Still some bugs that I see. Not being picky, just helping you improve on a great desktop enhancement.
Thanks for your help!
ziptrx said:
1) Double clicking on systray icons is improving, although the problem is still there. It works better in 24hr format than 12hr.
I think this is a performance issue related to either the running of the script directly, or the way it locates the windows to refresh. The fact that the 24hr clock works better is probably due to the simplicity in the coding of that function.
ziptrx said:
2) When a window appears, the clock disappears and takes some time to reappear.
This is the refresh rate of the clock, after starting the program for the first time, the program waits for a set period, calculated ( 60000 - ( 1000 * current seconds) ) so if you start the clock at 12:45:10, the program will wait 50 seconds with a constant refresh. After this time the refresh gears itself down to 10 seconds, inside the INI configuration I have made it possible to adjust this value based on what you want. It is being run this way to preserve memory and CPU usage.

If I can get the program to constantly refresh the bar without memory issues I will. The original start bar does not need to worry about having to refresh since the text is static. The only time windows forces a refresh of the tray is when it is modified or when certain programs call the function, opening task manager does this for instance...I need to override the built-in refresh to stop the flickering of the clock.
ziptrx said:
3) Don't know if this is a bug or caused by my start button. My start button has no words on it. The problem is the clock appears in 12hr format, but in 24hr it only shows the first digit. Screenshot is attached.
That is really strange, I've not seen that. I'll see if there is anything that could be causing it inside the coding.
Update: When using 12hr format, the clock will not show the last digit. It is similiar to the screenshot I attached earlier.

Example: When the time reaches 10:00, it will display the time as 10:0 This is in 12hr format. Once the time reaches 1:00, time is displayed correctly.
Cool 🙂

Is there a list of (maybe) custom themes that this application works with, I don't use Luna so haven't tried it myself.
? only Visual Styles that don't replace the start button with a bitmap will work

? if you change the Visual Style StartClock must be restarted

Here is a quote on the issue I had posted with an older version, I should put it on the mainpage I guess.

It should work with any theme that does not obscure the start button text with a bitmap. I've not done much testing on this though, themes that are confirmed are only Luna and Classic. I tested a few custom themes from Deviant that used bitmaps, the clock will not replace the images used in these visual styles.
Is this a little bug?

When you open task manager, StartClock dissapears and then comes back once you close it. At least it does on mine 🙂 Not a biggie though. Its not like i have task manager open all the time 🙂
I'm guessing that it doesn't work with Windows 2000 ? Doesn't seem to be mentioned on the site, but it just makes my start button wider when trying to use it 😀
I've only tested on Windows XP (home/pro) with Luna, Classic and a few other misc themes. Maybe when I go to work today I'll commandeer a few workstations for testing.
I see you fixed the 24-hour format bug in your new release. Thanks for that 🙂

Oh, and a bug, possibly related to the refrsh thing, but I though I'd mention it anyway. The Start Menu button expands to accomodate the text displayed. But sometimes the button isn't expanded, while the time shows up correctly. This beheaviour disappears quickly though. I'll make a screenshot when I see it again.
Yes, this sounds to be related to the refresh bug. For those of you not caring about CPU usage just lower the refresh times in the configuration INI to solve most refresh related 'bugs'.

1000 ms = 1 second, default is 10 seconds.

I explained the way the program gears itself down after x.x seconds above. Go there..
nice little program, it'll take some time to get use to the clock not being on the right.
Just a heads up, I've begun the next build and started adding all the features that have been requested. Below is a screenshot of the new build in action.

I've also overhauled the site and added a mailing list, if you want to be notified when the next build is released just sign up.

Things to look forward to:
* less resources used
* fewer/no crashes
* cleaner code/revised logic
* date and time feature
* hide trayclock without restarting or modifying the registry
* revised configuration
* allow custom formatting of clock text (example: @12hour @AMPM - @Date -> output -> 12:00AM - Oct. 30)


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i have flyakite transformation pack on 🙁 i wnated to try the clock thing but i can't now
This program is really starting to take shape. Good work chaos945. Keep it up. 🙂

Much more stable when you unhide icons on the system tray. Comes back instantly.

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Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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