Bittorrent DL speed


Thief IV
19 May 2003
I am looking at the advanced options on my Bittorrent and I'm seeing peers' download speeds, and some of them consistently get huge download speeds (one is getting almost 400KBps) while others are getting nearly nothing.

I'm uploading two to four times as much as I download (15 down, 40 up at the moment). Is there any way to increase my DL speed?

As a side note, I was informed last night that I'm a "complete n00b" for using Bittorrent. Oh well. Being a n00b is fine; no shame in it for me.
First let's clear the n00b issue: You're a n00b if you use KaZaA.

BitTorrent is one of the better P2P applications available.

The first question I always ask when people get slow downloads is this:
Are you behind a router or firewall? If so, have you forwarded TCP ports 6881 to 6999 to your computer in your router's configuration? Not having the ports forwarded usually ends up being the problem.

Also, you have to remember than downloads get progressively faster on BT. They start slow, and keep picking up pace. I usually start around 5 K/s and end up at around 300 after about 10-15 minutes.
Thank you! Opened up the ports. Things seem to be getting better.
Beware of port settings

Just a bit of advice ISP's are getting smarter by the day and so are the RIAA, etc.

The port settings that where suggested to you to use (6881 to 6999) are common/known ports for example like port 21-23 for ftps.

I suggest as I do to use 49152-65535, also I suggest if you continue to get unsatifactory dl speeds, try lowering the peer setting to 20.

the port settings for routers or for cable modems straight connected to the computer
NetRyder said:
Also, you have to remember than downloads get progressively faster on BT. They start slow, and keep picking up pace. I usually start around 5 K/s and end up at around 300 after about 10-15 minutes.

Tuffgong4 said:
the port settings for routers or for cable modems straight connected to the computer
If you have a port forwarding option in your router or cable modem then do it, if not then hope for the best
bit tornado allows u to cap the upload speed if ur using a single channel cable setup, adsl doesnt matter as it has seperate up/down
GoNz0 said:
bit tornado allows u to cap the upload speed if ur using a single channel cable setup, adsl doesnt matter as it has seperate up/down

Yes, and so does Azureus. I recommend one of these programs that will let you congifure every little aspect. You might not want to mess with them all, but it's nice to have the options.
Another issue that might be limited your download speed is too much upload. If you are saturating your line that the ACKs for downloading are drowned out, your download will suffer.
I reduced my upload to 36KBps, and that seems to have done wonders. I am capable of uploading almost twice that, but that's not going to work. I always share until I'm at least at a 100% ratio, so I'll just leave my torrents open when I'm done.
I use ABC (another bittorrent client) to download and it is for me the easiest I've used so far and has an upload cap which works wonders and also when you are done downloading will go back up and use the left over bandwidth to upload to people...very useful to help out the bt community
Addendum to my last post

Important tracker info Q&A!!!!

Many ISPs (including mine, which I learned earlier today) throttle the speed on the most common port ranges.

The following commonly throttled ports are...

411 through 413 - Direct Connect
1214 - Kazaa
4662 - eMule/eDonkey
6346 through 6347 - Gnutella
6699 - WinMX
6881 through 6889 - BitTorrent

Please make sure not to choose port(s) in these ranges!.

How large should my range be?

It depends... If you use a single-port client (like Azureus) your range should consist of a single port. Pick up any from 49152-65535.

If you use a multi-port client (like original, Shad0ws's, ABC, Burst, Experimental, UPnP, ...) think of the maximum number of torrents you will ever have open at the same time. That's how many ports you need. If you want at most 6 simultaneous torrents, choose any number x in 49152-65535 and use the range x to x + 5. (e.g. 50500 to 50505. Pick your own numbers, do not use these.)

Will I be able to connect to peers that are still using the standard ports?


Will my client still work with other trackers?


Why don't you tell us what ports to choose?

Because the more random the choice is the harder it will be for ISPs to catch up to us and start limiting speeds on the ports we use. If we define another range ISPs will just start throtlling that range.


help!! im a complete noob too. i have NO IDEA WATSOEVER about the router 6??? ports and stuff. please explain how tto increase your dl speed step by step to me. thanks!
by changing the port number in Azureus..... do you mean the "Default Tracker Port" in the configuration settings?
o0RaidR0o said:
6881 through 6889 - BitTorrent

As of 3.2 and later, the range has been extended to 6881-6999 as NetRyder also said.
J0llyhunter said:
help!! im a complete noob too. i have NO IDEA WATSOEVER about the router 6??? ports and stuff. please explain how tto increase your dl speed step by step to me. thanks!
Try here and see if that helps. 🙂
o0RaidR0o said:
Important tracker info Q&A!!!!

Many ISPs (including mine, which I learned earlier today) throttle the speed on the most common port ranges.

The following commonly throttled ports are...

411 through 413 - Direct Connect
1214 - Kazaa
4662 - eMule/eDonkey
6346 through 6347 - Gnutella
6699 - WinMX
6881 through 6889 - BitTorrent

Please make sure not to choose port(s) in these ranges!.

What ISP. Maybe we could start a list of ISP that are blocking/throttling?

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