Re: What are your Vista Performance scores?
So I went to CompUSA and bought a new video card.
Came home, popped the card in, Vista recognized it instantly and assigned it drivers. After the reboot to complete the installation, my performance score went from a 2.0/3.1 to a 4.6/4.9 - not bad if I do say so myself for a $100 video card.
So, just for ha-ha's, I popped in the CD that was in the box and let her rip. After installing all the software, I rebooted, only to run into a BSOD. Went into Safe Mode, tried the "update driver" first (driver rollback was greyed out), pointed it to the CD, found an update and installed without issue. I then rebooted, Windows came up with no problems. I ran a performance scan again, this time I got a 1.0/1.0 - WTF! I guess me and SuperKhay have the same problems 😉
So as we stand now, I peeled off all the ATI software/drivers, and am running off the drivers that Vista came with. My score has settled at a 4.5 now, which is a nice improvement from what I had before. I can't help but wonder if my score will go up if/when the vendor releases drivers for Vista to work with their hardware specifically.
*fingers crossed*