I was trying to upgrade my computer from 1g of 3200ddr ram to 2g. I went to Newegg and purchased 1g of corsair memory in 2 512 sticks. I then installed them into my computer and booted up. My computer would see the memory but I was getting ALOT of stop errors and BSODs. So I tried every combination with the new memory and the old memory I had and nothing worked right. The only way I got my computer back to normal was to replace the old memory and take out the new. I checked out to see if the memory I bought was compatible with my mobo, which is a Asus P4c800 deluxe, and it was. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong or did I just get a bad set of memory. I even tried replacing the new memory and putting it into the same slots as the memory I have now and that didn't work either.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your help