Horn dog.
Congrats man, nothing like a new baby. Are you ready? Is she ready? the last rimester is the worst, forgive her is she starts getting snappy at the very last. And rub dat belly with lotion to keep the stretch marks down. Massage the lower legs too, they start to swell. Be ready for the most life changing experiance ever, you will see your wife do things that will make you think superman is a nerd. Rub her back and get used to it, for the next coule months that is all it will seem you do.
Do you talk to the baby? One of the best experiances was when Brooke and Taylor turned to me when I talked from when i talked to them in the womb. Just don't try and stop them from crying right after the birth, I got yelled at as they quieted down before they got the apgar test done as I was trying to comfort them.
Very awsome experiance, hope the best man.