Renaming your recycle bin.

  • Thread starter Thread starter ExWhap
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Download THIS registry file, then run it.

You can now rename your Recycle Bin just as you rename other files.


Or, paste this into a txt file and rename it to xx.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

why would you want to rename it though?
and to what?

Just find it odd that people want to change its name hehe
Recycle Bin

This is a good tip... but the guy who made the hack stupidly added delete... be carful u don't click it... lot of hassle getting it back 🙁

it's a TIP akash 🙂 no need for critics 🙂

MdSalih - Critising the Wanna-be-Critics 🙂
I call it Recycler, have called it Trash or Sh*t or Waste before. Some of us just like to change things, even when MS doesn't seem to want us to. 🙂

Incidentally, if you want to rename the bin, but are worried about deleting it on accident, use this code instead

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


The Delete option just comes along with unlocking the "Rename" feature. You can always get the recycle bin back on the desktop using TweakUI. A side note: TweakUI will reset the names of your desktop icons if you change the icons displayed on the desktop. Just an annoyance, but took me a day or two to figure why the names were reverting.

akash: It's called customisation =) I always name the icons "computer", "network", "internet", "outlook" or "mail", "trash", etc. Simpler, neater. Of course, right now, my desktop is empty...I much prefer the quick launch. Not necessarily neater, but all the shortcuts are then accessible without having to minimize everything. Just my $0.02.
Yeah, I'm fine with what it's now. I mean, name isn't all that important, already got use to the icon. 😀
Lactic, you don't have to have the delete option. I think if you set the first value in the hex string to 40, that's the default. 50 is rename only, 60 is delete only, 70 is rename and delete. You can check me on this, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes.
I stand corrected then =) Either way, I'm more careful than to accidentally delete that, and if I did I could replace it easily enough...
I found an easy way to rename it. Just open windows explorer, open the recycle bin, while that icon is still highlighted go to File -> rename.

Worked for me 🙂 (I just wanted to rename it because MS didn't want me to 😛 )
Sorry ZAnwar. I posted a link to this for an answer. It is an old post with an old link. Someone will post a correct one on here.
Recycle Bin

For those of you that have Norton SystemWorks or Norton Utilities, right click on the recycle bin and choose properties. You can change/modify the name of it from here.
Do you have any clue how dumb this is getting over renaming the Recycle Bin? Microsoft saw fit to give it that name, so keep it!

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