I'm building a new computer. I have a question about how to properly seat the motherboard to the brass standoffs on the case. The reason I'm asking is because sometimes when I build a machine the system will not boot, I think I'm frying some boards. Is it best to just screw the motherboard down, or put some sort of plastic or paper washers between the motherboard and screws? I heard that you do not want the motherboard "grounded", but not sure what that means exactly. If you look at the holes on the motherboard, there are little pieces of metal going around it, making it seem like the screw is supposed to touch that metal, but I'm thinking that's not right. Also the pack of screws that a motherboard comes with, there are two different types, normal looking screws, then ones that are a little wide (where it touches the motherboard), I've always used the wide ones. What is the proper method to use here?