Life sentence for cyber crimes.

If you're so smart, what do you propose is done with someone who has killed another person purposely? Put them in jail? So they can become even worse people while eating up tax payers' money?
Life in prison is good...I think that most convicts in the US get off way too body in AMerica is afraid to go to Jail...crime is to rampant here...break the law go to Jail no matter the offense...Death Penalty should be in place just the right situations though
Originally posted by catch23
Are these the same lawfully good citizens that force those who don't hold the same religious beliefs as they to say they're under God?

How does this have any bearing on the issue that we were speaking of?
Originally posted by catch23
So we'll throw them in a jail..let them get a college degree for FREE..

Well, it's not like educating a person with with legal materials, to become a good constructive member of society, is bad. After they do their time in prison, they will need to be re-integrated intro society. People need second chances to live good lives. You and everyone else have no right to take away a life, even if someone else has. Good choices always need to be made again, and again.
Originally posted by catch23
Pardon me, but some of your lawfully good citizens you speak of are hypocrites, forcing a certain religion on a country which promotes the freedom of religion.

You might want to take that back, lol [with respect], considering you are an American, while I am not. We are talking about your people, not mine.
Catch has no "people" he has no allegiance (Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause.) to his country
be ashamed of how its run but don't just ***** about it. If you don't like it try to change it, thats what our country is all about, change.

If your doing nothing to solve the problem you are part of it CATCH.
and your whole I'm not under god trip? one man started that, ohh but wait your not a man apperently. just a silly boy.
who said you had to be a certain age to bring about change?
Quote: "After they do their time in prison, they will need to be re-integrated into society"

Yeah, give em a paper suitcase and send them down the road.:D
I've never heard of the supreme court turning anyone away because of there age, if you have a valid point to make they WILL listen.
Originally posted by catch23
there are consequences for everything you do in life. [/B]

and who exactly choses these consequences? what makes them more just then some one else? why do they not have the same consequences as the person they are sentencing to die? what about the person who injects the convict? what about the person who throws the switch? where are there consequences? they killed some one just the same as the person being put 2 death.
wow,this thread's still open...................
Originally posted by catch23
Think about it...can you really blame me for behind ashamed of the way my country is run?

No one is blaming you, or has even attempted to blame anyone in this thread. Sorry if you feel that way.
if you have ever seen an interview with some of the victims family after the person was put to death they almost always say it didn't bring them any joy or happiness in knowing that that person is dead.

and just to be fair I may have started it but look at all your post 90% of the time it is you who starts it and you can't deny that. Well you can but it would be a lie.
Originally posted by catch23
What about the loves ones of the victim...have you considered them?...I think a majority of them get satisfaction knowing justice has been served.

Their satisfaction does not matter if it means that someone has to be killed. Remember, it is the satisfaction that caused a person to kill another in the first place, most likely. What would be the difference between a killer's satisfaction and a victim's satisfaction? Basically none because they are both evil at root.
Originally posted by catch23

You have no grief for the family of an innocent victim...but you do for a convicted killer...

...whatever tickles your testicles :eek:\

thats not the point he was making, you can't grieve for some one you didn't know. about all you can do is go ohhh thats too bad. I think its that in certain things an eye for an eye isn't always the best way to do things.
you aren't but who says the guy who puts that person to death is in the right? who does he answer too?

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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