Well I went for a job interview at Tesco super stores in Lundsford Park Aylesford Kent, this time last year. I walked down Castle Way from Leybourne. On my way I saw a field broken fenced, a few Chickens and a Rooster floating around. On my way to the interview I saw the lovely plumage of the Rooster.
OK on my way back home I was walking past the field again and the Rooster was close by a fence, it came towards me and climbed/jumped through the hole in the fence. The little bustard started to run at me so I ran, it chased me up the motorway embankment for 70 metres.
The only reason I didn't stay and fight this mofo was that I didn't want it to be squashed by the oncoming Lorries and Cars and cause a pile up. I looked a complete spanner being chased by this Rooster.
The moral of this story is, keep away from Roosters, they're like Pimpin their ho's, it thought I was going to have one of it's Chickens and have carnal knowledge, I aint into beastiality. I felt like an utter and complete schmuck.
It still haunts me to this day, I will take this to my grave.