Support our troops!

The only additional benefit we get from going to the desert is tax-free pay and combat zone pay. That was the same as it was before the war, and remains the same now. It's not like they're shutting down the indoor pool on base or anything ;)

this thread has nothing to do with the rooting for our troops and everything to do with impeaching bush...

ergo... I changed the thread title to reflect this...

look @ the first line of your first post in this thread (not the post title)... I just took that as the thread title...

and fyi... I have every right to change a thread title to better suit the discussion within... thank you very much...
nahh, you are wrong. GO AHEAD! abuse your admin powers but it only hurts your own rep.

What don't you understand?
jones, you are making a valid discussion for yourself.

let's keep it that way, this should develope into lots of information.

as far as us changing the title, jones, this is our charge as moderators, and the new title is excellant.

let's keep the tone conversational...this way, those that want to contribute to the dialogue won't feel intimidated.

if this gets to be a flame thread, we'll need to close it, so keep that in mind as far as the temperment of your posts
"...With combat pay, many young men including my son only take home around $625 per pay...(E-3). "

I think the last word he meant to put in there was "period", because "625 per pay" makes no sense. So it would read, "pay period", and yes, that's what an E-3 gets paid without combat pay after taxes. Without taxes, adding hazardous duty pay, an E-3 makes nearly $800 per pay period. Still, not very much, but they're getting paid that. I don't know a single person who isn't.

And if someone is picking at his son for his uniforms while he's in the desert, he's probably a crappy troop and they're just looking to kick him out.

This proof is difficult for me to swallow, especially when my best friend just came back from Afghanistan with an extra $6,500

Now to read the others! w00t! Air Force rules!
Bush has committed no impeachable offense. He could be voted out of office, sure, but not impeached.

It's very difficult to explain how the military works to high-school or college kids who have never been in it. Non-military adults have been around longer, know a lot more military members, and have a tendency overall to understand how it operates.

The letter further went on to describe a sort-of Iraqi "resort" that this person's son couln't go to because he couldn't afford it. Sometimes you get screwed and take it, assuming that's what happened to this guy.

I dunno...the more I read into it, the more it looks like an angry parent writing a schoolteacher about how his son was mistreated on the playground.
Originally posted by jones
nahh, you are wrong. GO AHEAD! abuse your admin powers but it only hurts your own rep.

What don't you understand?


impeach bush != support our troops...

he is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF... whatever for good or bad... the troops have to do what he says... it is HIS perogative whether to do something or not...

if you don't like it... vote against him next year...

as far as impeaching him... hell sure lets do it... sign on for the active motions that are out there to get him impeached for various reasons...

BUT... here's the kicker... our troops morale is NOT going to get better with their commander in chief being impeached... troops morale is important especially in a situation as we have now... things are not exactly hunky dory... ergo morale must be maintained...

by the way...

it is OUR perogative to keep things cohesive here... we have a generally hands off approch... nothing in this thread was edited other than the thread title and that too for the sake of clarity since effectively it is a discussion about bush and impeachment...

if we were truly in a SUPPORT OUR TROOPS thread we would have had links to donation sites or whatever else...

I understand your perogative but there is no compelling reason for me to change the thread title back...

also... if you wish to discuss something with myself or any other mods... consider sending us a PM with your concern and we will be more than glad to hammer it out with you...

Originally posted by HandyBuddy
Bush has committed no impeachable offense. He could be voted out of office, sure, but not impeached.

if it is shown he acted will-fully and knowing information that he witheld in order to follow his own agenda into iraq... that is impeachable... specially when taking into account the lives that have been lost wrt this...

lieing to the peoples of a nation is NOT appropriate ESPECIALLY when lives are @ stake... and when information contradicting itself and that of intelligence organisations is used to support a proxy war...
Originally posted by Sazar
if it is shown he acted will-fully and knowing information that he witheld in order to follow his own agenda into iraq... that is impeachable... specially when taking into account the lives that have been lost wrt this...

lieing to the peoples of a nation is NOT appropriate ESPECIALLY when lives are @ stake... and when information contradicting itself and that of intelligence organisations is used to support a proxy war...

Your point seems valid enough to me.

It's an unpopular war to the general public, for sure, but ask military members how they feel about it and they will show you a side of the story people aren't being shown on the news. I just don't think, no matter how many people say it was illegal, that he would be impeached.

Let the impeachment naysayers lead their charge, but it will fizzle. There's so much more to this war than "WMDs not found in Iraq" and all that.
Originally posted by HandyBuddy
Your point seems valid enough to me.

It's an unpopular war to the general public, for sure, but ask military members how they feel about it and they will show you a side of the story people aren't being shown on the news.

my house m8's dad works in intelligence... thats as far as I have to go to get information about things... :)

the general public is for the war actually... but thats due to cheney being very active in creating the impression that saddam hussein was directly responsible for the 9/11 attack...

I generally dont watch the US media version of whats going on over in iraq... I prefer to listen to NPR and watch BBC...

much better coverage... of the good and the bad...
agreed, there are reports of an important memo getting all the way to the oval office that warned of terrorists using jets to attack our country. Weeks before the attack.
Some good news to us REAL patriots, Recently the 9/11 commision has threatened to subpoena the Whitehouse unless the Bush Admin gives ALL of the important documents.
I would LOVE to see them in court. :D

I would like to add that I dont consider Bush the president. I think half the country agrees w/ me because, well, he wasent elected to office, he was appointed. Thats a FACT, its funny, its already in the Encyclopedias..and it really makes him look bad on-top of starting the first american pre-emptive war.
Also things are getting better everyday in Iraq.You jus dont here about it very much.Water and electric are most everywhere,hospitals are doing good and more children are attending schools now than before the war.They have their own currency.Most citizens are already enjoying higher wages and more freedom than they have known in 40 years.Most of them appreciate our troops.The main stream media does endeavor to downplay these things and never forgets to look "under every rock" to find malcontents.
Originally posted by kitct
Also things are getting better everyday in Iraq.You jus dont here about it very much.Water and electric are most everywhere,hospitals are doing good and more children are attending schools now than before the war.They have their own currency.Most citizens are already enjoying higher wages and more freedom than they have known in 40 years.Most of them appreciate our troops.The main stream media does endeavor to downplay these things and never forgets to look "under every rock" to find malcontents.

here's a FACT for you :)

the power production in Iraq @ the moment is still below the levels when Saddam was in charge... mind this is a big deal considering we have far superior resources than he did...

also.. have a quick read through the latest newsweek where they have a detailed article about the wastefulness within Iraq by our government...

accountability is seriously lacking in terms of where our money is going (I say ours coz it is OUR tax dollars being used over there)

there are no doubt occasional niceties occuring there... but there are just as many gaffe's and wastes...
Actually Bush has teleconferences with the media so they can meet his demands.

The US media is all BS, its worse than we hear actually.

Im so sad for you that you believe the words coming out of the admins mouth. Spin docters like Rove and Rush limbaugh are doing a good job i suppose.
Something else I'd like to add. When Bush came out and said the media is biased against the war, and blaming bad info the CIA/ This is going to bite them in the ass. Going to be a great show.
LoL, oh man you guys should listen to some veterans. Alot of online conversation. Most veterans HATE Bush. Go see for yourself.

Its pretty funny all these patriots who defend the admin are similar to those in germany in the 30s. Saying we are un-patriotic, traitors, etc. Actually its just sad. So stop supporting the real traitors. They arent republicans :/ they're neo-cons.
Originally posted by jones
LoL, oh man you guys should listen to some veterans. Alot of online conversation. Oh and most veterans HATE Bush. Go see for yourself.

Its pretty funny all these patriots who defend the admin are similar to those in germany in the 30s. Saying we are un-patriotic, traitors, etc. Actually its just sad.

Everyone I work with is a veteran, and they mostly like him (heck, 85% of the military votes for him!).

And you're on dangerous ground to insinuate that people who like Bush are similar to pre-Nazi Germans. I like Bush, and it makes me neither a mindless zombie nor a Nazi.
guys and gals... feel free to express your opinions... but please do place some voluntary limits on the rhetoric...



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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
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Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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