Preparing for Tiger


Act your wage.
Political Access
27 Dec 2001
I've already decided to do a clean install of 10.4. Not that it's absolutely necessary, but it just feels good if you know what I mean. ;)

So concerning backups... what's the best method? I took a look at backing up my entire Home folder, but it's 24 GB and I was planning on backing everything up on DVDs. I'd rather not use 6 or 7 discs... should I partition a portion of the drive instead?

Also, what should I be sure to save that doesn't exist in my Home folder? I'm not really concerned with application preferences, as I plan on reinstalling all those from scratch anyway. I don't have a custom hosts file either. I can't really think of anything outside my Home folder, so I'm afraid I might be missing something.
Those are pretty good guides, though they assume that you are making a full system backup on a 2nd disk. I don't want to do that and don't think I need to... plus I don't have another hard disk. ;)

I'm most concerned with making sure I don't forget a certain file when I make my backup.
I don't have it yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :D
read the part about the Archive and Install, it will backup your stuff for you and then do a clean install... in theory

I will test it once Tiger arrives.

If you just want to make sure you dont forget anything then I would backup your home directory, and probably your apps folder and then maybe the /Library/ directory.

make sure you get all your . prefixed folders in your home directory as well
Yeah, I read about the Archive & Install. It's the "in theory" part that makes me want to do a complete erase.
do you have no other machine that you can dump stuff onto via SMB, FTP or some other such thing....

from what I have heard the Archive and Install method is the way that most Mac users update the OS, its apparently very effective and works well.

Still its a bit scary if its your first time doing it
Yeah I'm in a toss up between doing a "archive and install" or a "clean" install. I just hate reinstalling all my apps/settings ...
I don't really mind reinstalling apps and stuff. It's always been kind of enjoyable to me, actually.

@Geffy - I sold my old PC and just have the G5. My fiance has a PC laptop but I'm not going to copy 24+ GB over the network back and forth from Mac to PC.
muzikool said:
...I'm not going to copy 24+ GB over the network back and forth from Mac to PC.
Be a good time to convince the lady friend you need Gigabit. ;)
muzikool said:
I don't really mind reinstalling apps and stuff. It's always been kind of enjoyable to me, actually.

@Geffy - I sold my old PC and just have the G5. My fiance has a PC laptop but I'm not going to copy 24+ GB over the network back and forth from Mac to PC.
what are you planning to backup to then... just a bunch of CDs or summat
should only take 10 to backup a 40gb drive, 75 or so for an 80gb one, could still possibly do a full clone onto those
Yeah, I'll probably end up doing that with just my Home folder.

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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