Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird and other Gecko-based software discussion (Part 2)

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wow i dont like firefox at all its slower that ie :S. Like it takes longer for things to load :S. I think i stay with IE :). Thanks Tho
I think he means the initial browser loading time.

I understand it can be an issue on slightly slower computers. My PIII 550MHz desktop at home, for example, takes about 10 seconds to open Firefox the first time. This isn't a problem on my laptop though (specs in sig). However, once you load Firefox the first time (on any machine), any subsequent runs (until the next reboot) will be just about as fast as IE's loading time due to prefetching.

The reason IE is able to load so much faster is because parts of its code are shared with Explorer (the Windows shell) and are loaded along with the operating system itself. An unfair advantage you could call it, but an advantage nonetheless. The Firefox devs are hoping to cut loading time to a minimum by the time it hits 1.0 though, so we should see noticeable improvements as more milestones come in.

TittleBitties: I completely respect your decision to go with IE, but a part of me urges me to tell you to give Firefox another chance. As I said, it's only slow to load the first time it's started after a fresh boot. Play with it for a few days. You might find that all the features, themes, and extensions available far outweigh this little problem you're facing.
Just something to think about.
TittleBitties I might be one of the only ones left around here but I prefer Mozilla ("SeaMonkey" or "Mozilla Suite") to Firfox do to its feel and its gotten a bit quicker in the 1.7x releases. I think its got an edge over Firfox now in speed as well as feel. ;)
Been quite a while since I used the complete suite. Going to give it a shot this weekend just for fun.
I just downloaded (and am currently using) Firefox 0.8 for the first time. I finally dumped Netscape, after being tired of all the AOL product placement in it. :p I also stopped using all the other features in it a long time ago, so I thought I'd try something less....commercial. I like it so far.

I completely agree with what NetRyder posted. I had a few minor complaints about Firefox initially, but I soon came to appreciate all that was offered with the extensions and other customizations. My adoption path went like this:
strictly IE --> IE and Firefox --> strictly Firefox.
I'm really looking forward to Firefox's future and the eventual release of 1.0! :D
Wow u were right...i am likin the firefox :). I also like the google thing at the top. One thing tho like some programs open IE still how can i change that? Would i have to go to the options of the program and switch it from there? also when i view profiles on messenger i have to scroll over to see the profile...can that be fixed?
I dont know if this has been discused already, but there are some online (sites) games that I'v been trying to play but they say i need a plugin, it brings me to the site, and its Java Sun, so I download it and install. I go back to the game and it still dosent work? WHy?
maybe u need this?

copy this in a text file and save it as .reg

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firebird]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firebird\bin]
"PathToExe"="C:\\program files\\MozillaFirebird\\MozillaFirebird.exe"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firebird\Extensions]
"Plugins"="C:\\Program Files\\MozillaFirebird\\Plugins"
"Components"="C:\\Program Files\\MozillaFirebird\\Components"
Daeron Tinúviel said:
what u said netryder is totally true, BTW is there anyway to minimize FF to the system tray???

Not without third-party software. I use PowerMenu when I need to minimize stuff to the tray. Free, uses very little resources, and has a bunch of other useful little features.
TittleBitties said:
Wow u were right...i am likin the firefox :). I also like the google thing at the top. One thing tho like some programs open IE still how can i change that? Would i have to go to the options of the program and switch it from there? also when i view profiles on messenger i have to scroll over to see the profile...can that be fixed?

Glad you decided to give it another shot.

If you want most of your software to open links in Firefox, it needs to be set as the default browser. Have you done that already? If not, look under Tools>Options. The "General" tab should have a "Set Default Browser" button that you need to click.
TittleBitties said:
Wow u were right...i am likin the firefox :). I also like the google thing at the top.

I'm glad you are getting used to it now and that you like it! :D
I loved Netscape 4.x then switched to IE when NS went under/moved to v6, then after long convincing went to Mozilla and eventually Firebord/fox. Haven't looked back, and considering I barely use Windows anymore, I think I will stay with Gecko.
It's so great ta see all these people that use to use IE and have tried Mozilla or Firefox, have become converts. And they like what they see.

We welcome you...

Welcome, to the machine. We know where you've been... It don't matter where you've been... Welcome, to the Mozilla/Firefox machine. :D
/puts some oil in the machine

It's already well-oiled I know... but a little more can't hurt it! ;)
gonaads said:
Welcome, to the machine. We know where you've been... It don't matter where you've been... Welcome, to the Mozilla/Firefox machine. :D
The lunitic is on the grass ...
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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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