HL2 Benchmarks...EVERYWHERE!

So if Eidos made this as an internal build patch - why was it made available to the public on their website?
Don't ask me, ask Paul Baldwin, one of the Directors of Eidos whose wuote you have just posted! He states it should not have been released....
This is nonsense. You don't like NVidia. Fine. We get it. Don't buy their hardware:)

But by quoting a post that CLEARLY explains what has happened and then arguing that it proves something COMPLETELY different (ie that there is something underhand about NVidias actions) is just gibberish.

These reports about NVidia tampering with reults is just crazy. Yes they are continually changing their drivers. Yes they are trying all kinds of stuff to get better performance. What hell is wrong with that????:confused: :confused:

I want the best performance outa my games and if this involves lowering details that are imperceptable and using different render paths that produce the same or better results at a lower performance hit I'll take it.
Hey StormFront give it a rest. Its as plain as day that Nvidia is hurting. If you cant see that then too bad, everyone else does. To many inconsistencies from them = me getting an ATI card until they can fix their problem and thats the way its going to be. $500 for what?
Stormfront mate - i used to have an Nvidia Ti4400 and loved it - and admittedly i do have an Ati card now - but please mate - open your mind a little, look at what is being said and not just by me but by everyone including, albeit in a shoot yourself in the foot way, Nvidia themselves - they are ripping you off.

But hey if people still wanna pay a fortune for a top of the line 5900 Ultra that an Ati 9600 Pro can match in DX9 games then be my guest. The worlds done its best to tell them it may not be the best deal right now.
No. I wont give it a rest.

Reason? Sorry dude, but you are working with too few facts.

You don't like what I say? Fine report me or ignore me but don't tell me to stop talking 'cos you don't like the words!

NVidia will have their day in court after all the little news-ites have blown their load.
I understand where all you guys are coming from but for the love of god! Why take it so far?

These benchmarks are obviously crap! NVIdia have NEVER denied that the current drivers are incapable of running HL2. Thats the way it has always been with Nvidia. You need a driver to do a job and in this case that driver is still coming.

So, park your horse, grab a drink and just shut the hell up until we have a real comparison.

As soon as the REAL drivers are released I will use them and run some benchmarks for you.

If i am wrong and NVidia are the crock YOU seem to think they are I will freely admit it.
'Till then. 'Till we have SOME FACTS can we all stop blabbering and reading the death rights of NVidia? Or would that involve reason and logic??????

Its the 50.XX series of drivers, provided by Nvidia, that mostly all these sites are using - Valve wouldnt use them because they reduced image quality in order to increace performance. (And NVidia complained about it)

Incidentally, the Detenator 50 series of drivers were supposed to be released on the 15th of this month - but have not appeared yet for mysterious reasons completely unknown to me - strange, its not like they were rumbled or anything.

I've used the 51.75s already. Nothing but the crash baby... Any extensive use of shaders and it's BSOD time! Maybe they can fix the stability by the time they release them.
Originally posted by StormFront
No. I wont give it a rest.

Reason? Sorry dude, but you are working with too few facts.

You don't like what I say? Fine report me or ignore me but don't tell me to stop talking 'cos you don't like the words!

NVidia will have their day in court after all the little news-ites have blown their load.
I understand where all you guys are coming from but for the love of god! Why take it so far?

These benchmarks are obviously crap! NVIdia have NEVER denied that the current drivers are incapable of running HL2. Thats the way it has always been with Nvidia. You need a driver to do a job and in this case that driver is still coming.

So, park your horse, grab a drink and just shut the hell up until we have a real comparison.

As soon as the REAL drivers are released I will use them and run some benchmarks for you.

If i am wrong and NVidia are the crock YOU seem to think they are I will freely admit it.
'Till then. 'Till we have SOME FACTS can we all stop blabbering and reading the death rights of NVidia? Or would that involve reason and logic??????


Okay lets not get rowdy :rolleyes: . You wrote nothing that demands to be reported :confused: . This is about ATI and Nvidia and Valves benchmark.[which isnt crap by the way] In which Nvidia lost across the board. Now why should Nvidia get special treatment for drivers that weren't even public? Hey I also have a TI4400 like BlueRaja and love it. So tell me what happened to Nvidia when one card can beat two versions of theirs in one sitting? But to accomodate your comment lets just wait for those special Nvidia *det and see what unravels.
Few answers first:

Handybuddy: Sorry, I aint christian. Far from it.
The reason you have a problem with your drivers is that when you quote their title you omit one vital word:


They are still in development. Comprende?

Blueraja: Believe what you want. This convesation is childish

As to getting rowdy: I agree. Sorry, but I have seen my arse with this and not just 'cos I am one of the peeps who bought an FX.
All the reviews, benchmarks and tests so far are void. As I said in my last post Nvidia have never claimed that their current drivers will work with HL2

For reference I have 3 games that are fully DX9 dependant and they all work VERY well. There is no hint of any problems. But obviously you guys basing your opinions on a game that NONE OF US HAVE PLAYED YET! is valid. I apologise. Your psychic helmets clearly work better than mine
Originally posted by Teddy
Hardly proof...looks like the same pic with the gamma or something reduced.

Where was this pic from? A reliable source or someone with a little too much time on their hands and a copy of PaintShop Pro?

its an animated gif taking from some of the first sites that previewed the product...

fyi... the nvidia screenshot... when a comparison of COLORS rendered is done... shows thousands less than the ati picture...

again... clear evidence of lowered precision..

btw... most of my information and what I learn... I gather @ beyond3d... if you would care to take a look over there... they have multiple threads started up on these matters... and they have people who have actually WORKED on these products (ie tim sweeney from EPIC and John Reynolds who worked on the TROAD game)
Originally posted by StormFront
Actually check that. Just realised that this has to be a fake. The 2 frames are identical in their object and explosion positioning. No way you can render an image like this (specifically the 'splodes) twice and get everything exactly the same....:confused:

new benchmarks have the ability to render the exact same scene as is on every run ? this allows for comparative pictures to be taken just as the one in question...

am3 allows you to take shots every 500 or 1000 frames... out of a total of just over 4000....
Originally posted by StormFront
I gotta disagree here. The Nvidia render looks better. The lighting is smoother and more subtle and you can see a greater level of detail with less edges and blurring occuring...

Just my 2 cents anyhoo:D

they both render the same image... but the ati shot actually uses better shadowing... which is WHY it looks blurrier... realise that the nvidia shot is not showing proper shadowing.. reducing its workload and therefore inflating its benchmark figures...
Originally posted by Sazar
they both render the same image... but the ati shot actually uses better shadowing... which is WHY it looks blurrier... realise that the nvidia shot is not showing proper shadowing.. reducing its workload and therefore inflating its benchmark figures...

and yet bereft are we of evidence toward this strange mumbo-jumbo.....:confused:
Originally posted by StormFront
Few answers first:

Handybuddy: Sorry, I aint christian. Far from it.
The reason you have a problem with your drivers is that when you quote their title you omit one vital word:


They are still in development. Comprende?

Blueraja: Believe what you want. This convesation is childish

As to getting rowdy: I agree. Sorry, but I have seen my arse with this and not just 'cos I am one of the peeps who bought an FX.
All the reviews, benchmarks and tests so far are void. As I said in my last post Nvidia have never claimed that their current drivers will work with HL2

For reference I have 3 games that are fully DX9 dependant and they all work VERY well. There is no hint of any problems. But obviously you guys basing your opinions on a game that NONE OF US HAVE PLAYED YET! is valid. I apologise. Your psychic helmets clearly work better than mine

all the information you have seen concerning you have seen nvidia's performance following standards is TRUE... and ACCURATE...

the beta drivers that were suggested to have been used for benchmarking are then shot down saying they are beta ? the TROAD game patch is removed for what reason? that it was not supposed to have been released... do you want to know how the people who actually helped WRITE the patch and insert fixes in it feel ? ask john reynolds or the CORE team about this storm..

I can understand you defending a $x amount purchase... but please do not ignore the facts... it is very obvious that nvidia is using its monetary influence.. as it did with futuremark.. to make it products seem less crap than they are (the newer core.. I am a fan of the gf4 ti's)

the new patches removal btw REMOVES perofrmance improvements for the nvidia cards as well as ati cards and also removes REQUIRED game fixes...

go figure why this happened... it was a publicly released patch for a long time... ah well.. the mighty dollar has spoken...

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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