DVD Drive problems


21 Feb 2003
First off, a little breakdown of my drive setup
I have my HD on my first IDE cable. I have My DVD drive on my second IDE cable as master and my DVD-RW as slave. Im running XP home SP2.
My problem is that the DVD drive has decided that it will stop transfering data when it feels like it. Watching DVDs is not a problem, the best example is installing software. Half way through any installation it will just stop and the computer seems to be waiting for the next byte of data. Running the same CD on the DVD-RW, no problems.
Now I thought the drive is dying on me but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and stuck it in my machine at work, also running XP Home. It has been working faultlessly for 2 days now. The only difference is that it is the only drive on the IDE cable. This to me seems that the problem may not be the drive.
The IDE cable is the right way around, the connections are labeled for dummys like myself :twisted: .
Any ideas?
The cable itself could be at fault. Try swapping that, or perhaps swapping channels. There may be a minor defect in your IDE controller as well.
I have changed the cable, swapped the ide channel but to no avail so I have swapped back the ide channels. I think I have an idea as to what it is and could do with some suggestions. It appears to be happening when the cd comes to the part where it needs to load the installation file on any disc (and now on both drives). I put in the disc, up comes the splash screen but when it comes to the install program, nothing. The last program I tried to install was Nero 7 premium which stopped half way through with a fault on the disc (looks like a nice scratch). Could my computer be waiting for the Nero installation to complete before it will allow me to install anything else?
Funkyb said:
I have changed the cable, swapped the ide channel but to no avail so I have swapped back the ide channels. I think I have an idea as to what it is and could do with some suggestions. It appears to be happening when the cd comes to the part where it needs to load the installation file on any disc (and now on both drives). I put in the disc, up comes the splash screen but when it comes to the install program, nothing. The last program I tried to install was Nero 7 premium which stopped half way through with a fault on the disc (looks like a nice scratch). Could my computer be waiting for the Nero installation to complete before it will allow me to install anything else?
Not likely, if that was the case you'd be getting an error message related to an installation in progress or pending or something like that.

However, if you want to eliminate all chances of that, do the following:

Enable the fact that you can see hidden folders on your computer, then navigate to C:\Program Files\Installshield Information and delete all files and folders from that location. After a reboot, that should clear any suspended installations. May also want to empty all temp folders related to your profile, to be safe.
I will try that tonight wwwdjrcs. Seeing that you seem to be a walking encyclopaedia of knowledge. Any ideas as to why I cannot seem to install from disc?
Ha, walking encyclopedia :p

If you aren't generating an error message or code from Windows itself, it is more than likely a hardware issue. Another place to look is the Event Viewer. To pull this up, click start - > run - > type "eventvwr.msc" no quotes, and hit enter.

Poke through the Application and System logs, looking for any errors around the times you tried to install from CD. Other than that, try the same CD that fails in a known-working drive, perhaps a different computer altogether if possible. Then, if that helps, start knocking out variables. Again, if possible, switch out the drive, and just keep going until you find the culprit.
It could be your IDE controller drivers. Maybe you should uninstall them and reinstall them.
I have cleared out all my temp files and the Installshield Information but same problem as you expected wwwdjrcs.
My worry is that the same disc in the same drive using the same ide cable on another machine worked. But in my machine, I can play DVDs load mp3s/pictures from cd/dvd, just not install any software but over the weekend I will give a go to the ideas you both have given me and see what happens. Failing that I might just try restore points or go the whole hog and re-install windows (I am still hoping it is just a software thing).
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I don't really like system restore myself, but it sounds like it might be a software issue.

Can you try creating a new user profile, and installing from there?
I have uninstalled and reinstalled ide controller drivers and all I can find in eventvwr.msc is "the IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service service entered the stopped state" if that is anything to go by. So tonight I will try a new user profile and if that fails I will reinistall windows. If the worst happens I will start taking out devices from my machine and see if that helps.
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Funkyb said:
I have uninstalled and reinstalled ide controller drivers and all I can find in eventvwr.msc is "the IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service service entered the stopped state" if that is anything to go by. So tonight I will try a new user profile and if that fails I will reinistall windows. If the worst happens I will start taking out devices from my machine and see if that helps.
That service shouldn't really be causing your problem, as it only effects CD Burning, and your main issue is installing/reading from CDs.

There are no errors in the event log?

When you say it stops working, let it run for like 20-30 minutes, this "should" give the system time to write something to the event log.
I bit the bullet last night an re-installed windows. Problem solved. All is working fine. The only difference is that before I had a problem with my Graphics card and resolved it using Nasty Fire Remover. To get NFR working I had register MSCOMCTL.OCX. I also have not installed ASPI via forceASPi. Would these programs make any difference?
Application specific issues are tough to predict, as it could have been a conflict with that program and something else that is no longer on your system due to a format/re-install.

Only real way to tell is to put them back on, if you wish, and see what happens.
SOLUTION - It was my Avast Antivirus software. Before you say you should switch off AV software before installation, I did. The only way I could get something to install was to uninstall Avast. I have now gone onto AVG and so far so good. I wish to thank all who have given advise on my predicament.
That's interesting.

Well, glad you got it worked out, nice job :)
Re:LG CD-RW CED8083B(corrupted or missing, code 39)

My computer does not recognise the above cd rom, when i go into device manager the list shows my cd rom (LG CD-RW CED8083B) as corrupted or missing. i think i need the driver because the cd rom will not read the disk because it is corrupted. Thats all it says i can't find any drivers, help please.
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nippie said:
my cd rom is corrupted what do i? i've tried asking lg services for the drivers and they said they do have one for this hardware ced 8083b

It would be best to start another thread it would get a better response.

Add more details about the problem, like what the drive is doing/not doing.
Why do you say it’s corrupt?

Then someone here can go from there.

Windows has native drivers for cd rom drives.
Your Welcome.

This article should help "Just be careful in the registry and back it up first".

thanks alot it sovle all the problemswith the web page you gave me thank you.

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Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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