a horrific story of whats happened since installing SP1



got sp1....... the install went fine.. downloaded it one morning went to work, came home, installed it... simple.

doing work for a few hours and BAM! lights out, spark flew across my face, lights back on.. hmm computer is still on, but i turned it off to be safe.

came home from work again, put on my computer to finish up an ad i was making for a client, and 45minutes later i hear a "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" continuosly coming from my machine and i thought "ok its over heating", my old machine buzzed when it over heated in summer, so i switched it off, turned it back on a little while later for it to restart with the error "no nvram" - you know that non volotile ram or whatever it is.. the memory thats powered by the lil battery to store stuff when your computer is off..
so i got out the ol swiss army knife and pulled my machine apart, to replace the battery and it seems my board seems fried, my power supply is blowing hot air from it and it seems like a small fire has been lit inside my computer..

so today i have to buy hopefully only a new board and a new power supply.. im not gonna install SP1 again it seems like it doesnt want to be installed and theres alot of bad karma all around it..

anyone else have any horrific stories to tell about sp1 and the distruction of your computer
maybe it's coincidence.
SP1 is just a patch..not a nuclear bomb :)
Originally posted by Octopus
maybe it's coincidence.
SP1 is just a patch..not a nuclear bomb :)

Seriously....... SP1 is only a bunch of patches and I highly doubht it would fry a MB. I have installed XP SP1 on about 20 machines and havn't had a problem. Had a few small issues but nothing hardware related.

Maybe might wanna have a look at your PS too... just in case. :)
I doubt that was Sp1 that caused that....You may want to open your PC up to see what's going on inside it....then send it off to the Manufacture to fix it.
Originally posted by J t R
i had this exact same problem......

when i threw a molotov cocktail at my computer

mmmmmmm maybe that 5 gallons of gas I left standing next to my computer with a lit candle inches away balanced over the edge of my desk was a bad idea

nah, im not saying sp1 fried it, it was just my little story, and how it coinsided with all the little stories of microsoft shutting peoples **** down, but i was unfortunatly fried by lightning..
just took it to the computer shop and my ram got fried waiting to hear about the board, but the cpu made it through safe, if you are wondering.. a few bandaids and it will all be good.

at first i thought it was just sp1 fucking with my machine, rebooting it.. coz my computer stayed up for a little while the next day, but im guess the powersupply finally shorted out and took the ram and possably the board with it.
I had a brand new 1 gig Duron pre-built system here in the store and kept having trouble with it...blue screens...freezing etc.

Until finally I sent it back to my supplier and they run it for about 30 mins trouble shooting it and the PS let go and took CPU, MB, Ram, and a PCI Ethernet NIC with it. Hehe glad it happened to them :).....they sent me a new one 2 days later.
sh1t $405 to replace the board + ram + powersupply, i aint ever turning my computer back on ever again.. and still i havent tested the hdd to see if its working.. try it when i take it all home.. i might just flog the work puter im on now, even though it cant haul sh1t compared to my home pc.
somedays just suck more then others.
i cant send it back to the supplier, i always custom build my machines, and i dont think they replace components back on 'lightning strikes' - thats more of an insurance claim.. which i will be taking up
And this is why you get a surge protector for your PC =P

Lightning??? wut part of Aus u in plaz??

The main cost would be the board and ram... wut board and how much ram (and what type).. PSU's are expensive or cheap... depends on which way you swing...

350watts is a good minimum nowadays.... Just get a new case lol... mmm...

Now is a good chance to upgrade plaz lol
this was my system

amd xp 1600+
k7t266 pro2
256mb ddr 266 ram
60gig hdd
32mb dual head geforce something or rather video
19" monitor + 15" monitor
sony burner
sony dvd

lalal and yea, $445 later
i got a gigabyte 7dxe board - $180
new ram dif brand cant see it no more - $140
new powersupply - $55
and a fan - $35
its a decent average price.. i wasnt to hardup for it.. have the cash didnt have the time to shop around, time is money after all.. 3 hours later im back in business, only lost one days work.
and i just uninstalled SP1 :p

no surge protector.. a surge is a surge.. lightning will rip through a surge protector..

and what part of aus.. newcastle.
If it was a surge you might be able to get compensation from the electric company.
What about home contents insurance?
it was a lightning strike.. so doing the insurance thing on it..
but i couldnt wait for the insurance ppl to take it off, inspect it and ****.. so wait n see
Originally posted by djmorgan
Get earth quakes ther too! :(

Was that the big storm on tuesday? We put a surge guard onto our metre board and havent had any probs since, cost $200
yah.. that was the electrical storm on tuesday night.. around 8:30ish i think i got hit.. the first hit was the first part of the storm take took me out.. i think ill get a surge protector.. but ive heard that they dont protect against lightning
Surge Protectors do just that, protect against surges. Which is "slightly" different from lighting. If you had a surge protector and lightning would hit your electrical wiring, you computer is toast.

Pull the plug from the outlet if you have a lightning and you want to be safe.

Kind regards,
Willem Moolenaar

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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