Search results

  1. N

    Apple OS X 10.5.3

    Nice! i like cocoa for programming... What about the iPhone SDK?
  2. N

    Apple OS X 10.5.3

    BTW, Apple issued a new seed of Mac OS X 10.5.3 (build 9D27) to ADC developers last night, detailing a number of new bug fixes and listing no known issues! Can't hardly wait...
  3. N

    May 2008 Desktop Screenshots

    here's mine: I am using the HP HDX's default wallpaper:
  4. N

    What's your uptime?

    22:24 up 3:58, 2 users, load averages: 0.56 0.53 0.56, it's a macbook 2.16 ghz running os x 10.5.2
  5. N

    Apple OS X 10.5.3

    We know that OS X 10.5.3 build 9D25 has been seeded to developers on April 29th, but I am really curious to know if there is an estimated date for the final release, so that I can get it via Software Update. Thanks. :)