World of Warcraft

I think it is people working in shifts though.
I want to get into the game, but I don't have money for monthly payments, I know that when u buy the game u get a time card with a certain amount on it, when that runs out;.....say i don't play for a month or so, do i lose everything...or does it continue once i get more time, no change?
your account wil be cancelled until you either pay or enter a time card code. Unless they change their policy at anypoint your stuff should still be there.
Yeah I took 9 months off once. Logged back in and everything was as I left it. Apparently they'll email you if this policy changes. Go for it! Such a brilliant game.
The game is only $15US per month with the subscription.
The game is only $15US per month with the subscription.

I might be able to do that soon, cause I am going to be working at a local computer store where the guys love playing it, they might like want me to get it lol.
yeah if that's the case they'll probably help you 'power level' by taking you round some really hard dungeons etc. Definitely worth playing for a few months at least.
Any one know where to get high res wallpapers of WOW

like at least 1600x1200?
call me old fashioned but when i pay good money for a game i expect to be able to play that game as much as i want, for as long as i want. that is why i don't think i will get into this world of warcraft (and i highly enjoyed warcraft II and III as well as expansions, and still play them), as much fun as it sounds i don't think it is worth about half the price i pay for broadband each month.

even if they priced the game more than usual, say $150, for a "permanent" subscription i might be tempted, but it just looks like a bit of a rip off to me. for example i have CS:S, purchased it as soon it was released, infact. brilliant game, still play on lan, online with buddies and pub servers, still great fun after a few years, and will remain fun for some time. and yet i paid something like $60 (can't really remember).
It is all a matter of what you are willing to pay for. $15/month is not that much to me and I enjoy the game immensely. That is why I continue to pay it. There may come a day when I don't enjoy the game anymore. When that day comes, I will no longer pay that amount.
I got a free 14 day trial in the Times the other day. Anyone know how well the game plays on Intel GMA950 graphics chips?
I got a free 14 day trial in the Times the other day. Anyone know how well the game plays on Intel GMA950 graphics chips?

Dont install it whatever you will steal your soul...
I don't know for sure, but I would imagine not well.
I think it might be ok, it's got fairly low requirements if you turn the settings way down. Give it a shot, just don't expect it to look that fancy :)
Oh don't tell me this will work on my laptop, if it does, I am in trouble.
I think the problem with WoW, is that people have those bots, that just make their character sit there... and rack up time, becoming a higher level.
Really ruins the game, which I don't like anyways, but still...
You don't go up levels in WoW just by sitting there, you need to do quests etc.

Although I have seen a bot doing quests, in cases where it sticks to a path no matter what, but it did deviate to attack mobs that were dangerous / threatening

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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