Why are WMP9 skins So goddamn rough


XP Abuser

Hi all its bin a while since i posted anything its good to be back heres my Q?

Why are we lumbered with WMP 9 skins that look as if theyve bin cut out with bill gates nashers and seem as if anti-aliasing hasnt even been invented i thought with XP with the alpha channels and all they would of taken advantage of the bloody technology

Why don't You get winamp i hear you say? well i would if the media library was more categorized but it isnt.

so is it my pc thats crap or is it the lack of detail on microsofts end pleeze tell

and on this site you have a media center edition skin for XP check it out and youll know what im on about

and another thing my m8 got a copy of Plus! digital media edition
(yeh the new 1) and he says the skins are bloody disgraceful seeing that you gotta pay for it.
dosent seem like you really have a question.... just one big long complaint. If you dont like it then dont use it...
If you get the Windows Media Player Bonus Pack, this includes a skin importer that allows you to convert Winamp skins.
I really don't care if MP has great skins or not, I just turn it up and jsut listen I don't download niether skins nor screen savers I wont waist 10 secs just to look at them.:happy:
Winamp supports more advanced skins, you can use WMP, Winamp, another player, or make your own if you dont like what others are giving to you ;)
i tried that winamp skin converter with the WMP bonus pack and it dont work as far as i seen but your probably right just listen to the bloody music:happy:

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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