What to do while waiting for tech support calls...

Well first off make sure you have all the info that the TSR might need. What exactly is the problem, When did it start to happen, What software / hardware has been installed, System Specs, OS and any other info that might be relavent.

Also remember TSR's can not read your mind and they can not magically fix something when all someone gives them is "It just broke, I didnt do anything I swear..." Believe me it's so rare that something breaks when nothing is done to it... be honest it will resolve the issue faster.
D'OH... I read it wrong...

hmmm... what to do when waiting for tech calls...

Write the Great American Novel ??

Join several IRC channels and talk to other perfect strangers??

Become an expert at solitare??

RTFM on every distro of Linux??

Learn a new language??

Learn to speak your own language better??

Create a really kewl website??

All I have for now... I used to just troll forums and play solitare.
I bought electronic pocket games of blackjack, poker, and Yahtzee when I worked that kind of job. Passes the time nicely...

Then I bought a blank cartridge for my Gameboy Advance, and I didn't do much work after that ;)
I just read the newspaper usually... all net is logged unfortunately and I'm on a 3 month contract (being good, might get it permanent :p)

you could also sit there chanting "everyone who calls this number is a lying ba***rd" (because its true - they'll say anything they think will get an engineer out quicker)
Build a house.
Learn another language.
Have major surgery, and recover, and go through rehab.
Die, and reincarnate as someone else still waiting for them to pick up...
ntfs.org is the only tech support you need.

AND it is free. Apart from the few bits of small change you pay out for headache pills from the screaming shouting and some underhand b1tchin you see or may receive. :p
I used to do my homework when I was waiting for a call.
hmmmm, homework. Wish I had some homework to do... I think I'd like to learn a little more about wireless and wireless security... I should buy a book or something... and get a better sig, and an avatar would be nice.
There ya go.....plenty of time to search for a sweet avatar and sig.

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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