

Secret Goat Fetish
Political Access
9 Jun 2002
hey guy's i'm workin on me sig + need some help.

i have several version's of wot i wan't

(there all labeled sig_xxxxxxx.jpeg)

but the text keep's on blurin

my favorite is this 1 is this 1

the original pic is here

hopefully u can see basically wot i wan't,just without the blurin.( my cow pic wid text overlay)

thanx 4 any help by telling me how 2 do it/doin it 4 me
what program are you using to make the sig? Looks like MS Paint... If you dont want the text to blue, use Photoshop or Paintshop Pro... they save jpegs at a better qualuty. If you dot have photoshop, just send me the pic you like, and I will add the text for you... :)
thanx o_87,i am usin paint,

jewelzz that's me problem, i can't read it!!!
hey that's great.....but it's 2 big acordin 2 need's 2 be 75k,it's double that @ mo.
the pic like above is 20kb, the text pushes it up...+ the strechin
will u mind if it's bigger than 75kb?
i'm workin onit, should b done by 2 nite.
dam it,if i take ur pic + open it it look's great. if i save it usin paint it look's ****,i save it wid acrsoft photo impresion + it's slightly better.will try publisher, but i noticed it goes right down 2 bout 40kb

right, it's 44kb so it's o.k. it's 255 pixels high + 500pixel's wide, the tit's r blured.o.k wid ya'll?

plezz say it is....:p

[edit] + u can read it [/edit]
I think i'm gonna be the first one to say

Your sig is profane language edited out retarded

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+ i tried jus putin
round link + it don't work

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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