Clipboard Viewer



Does anyone know how to access the clipboard viewer in XP? It used to be listed under accessories and system tools in ME but not there in XP!

It is located in C:\windows\system32 directory

Look for the file name Clipbrd.exe

Then you will need to make a shortcut to it were ever you want it

I put mine under system tools

Thanks Max, I will check it out!! Larry I figured out how to create the shortcut and I have it on my desktop but can you tell me how to get it into system tools?
copy the shorcut (ctrl-c or right click then copy) then right click on the start button click open then navigate programs -> accessories - > system tools then paste it in there

I right clicked start, went to programs then accessories but system tools is not shown in the accessories folder, even though it is shown when I left click start, then programs, and accessories! Why would it display it but not show it in the accessories folder?
instead of "open" try "open all users"
Easiest way to get a shortcut from the desktop to the start-menu is to just drag and drop. If you hover over the button for 2 secs it will open.

I tried "open all users" and it worked, it showed the system tools file! I also tried the drag and drop by hovering over the start button and that worked as well! Great advice from both of you and thanks, I love this site so far!!!!! Larry
Yeah it's a good site and it's building a good reputation.
Free tech support better than the real thing! It's always a good feeling to help others also.
Anyway, welcome to the forums. Hope to see you around in the near future. :)
I use Netscape Composer, it can be open from the IE 6 toolbar.
Composer also has a spell check, besides all the other things you can do on it.
I've never seen a need for Windows clipboard viewer.
lulu, I never heard of that netscape composer, tell me how to load it, and how you personally use the gui...(brief tutorial please)
Originally posted by dealer
lulu, I never heard of that netscape composer, tell me how to load it, and how you personally use the gui...(brief tutorial please)


You can get it Here

See my attachment if it works....
Netscrape? Eeeeeeew...

And what has that got to do with a Clipboard viewer, anyway??
Originally posted by Outback2k1
Netscrape? Eeeeeeew...

And what has that got to do with a Clipboard viewer, anyway??

Originally posted by Outback2k1
Netscrape? Eeeeeeew...

And what has that got to do with a Clipboard viewer, anyway??

It will do all clipboard does plus much more.........."anyway".

Originally posted by lelu

If you can't see the difference you must not have used Composer.:D

Note the use of the phrase "Netscrape".

Do you think I've used Composer? Do you think I want to? :rolleyes:

PS. Dont take this as an argument...I'm just playin around with ya. :p

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. :(

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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