maxtor, seagate, western digital(WD)??
right now i have something against WD because my hd is telling me something about smart failure and i want to get a new 250 gb hdd and i wanna know who i should take my business to....
the hd i have that is failing is a WD 60 gb caviar, it has only been in use for about 2 years and its talking about failure and tyo back up.......my old 133 mhz pc has never failed me.... and its 6-7 yr old hdd is still purring in the storage room under whatever's in there.....
so come on guys help me out in choosing....
when making ur choice think about things like how long u had ur hdd and how long b4 u had to buy a new 1 b/c of failure...
------------ thanx in advance
right now i have something against WD because my hd is telling me something about smart failure and i want to get a new 250 gb hdd and i wanna know who i should take my business to....
the hd i have that is failing is a WD 60 gb caviar, it has only been in use for about 2 years and its talking about failure and tyo back up.......my old 133 mhz pc has never failed me.... and its 6-7 yr old hdd is still purring in the storage room under whatever's in there.....
so come on guys help me out in choosing....
when making ur choice think about things like how long u had ur hdd and how long b4 u had to buy a new 1 b/c of failure...
------------ thanx in advance