want to overclock my athlon xp 2000+


OSNN Senior Addict
18 Oct 2002
i want to overclock my athlon xp 2000+ but i just have a few questions

my clock frequency is at 133 which is the min, and the max is 166.

i'm not sure on the temperate(not home right now) and not sure how to check it.

what are the most accurate ways to check my temperature?

what are the reccomended temperature speeds?..meaning for a stable system.

what are the effects of increasing it by 1. so it will be 134 and what increase in temperatures will this bring?


my system is an athlon xp 2000+ runing on some viatech board. Pheonix bios
3 x 256DRR ram, 266mhz, c.l1200
its got a heatsink slightly above standard with a fan attached to it, a fan at the front of the coputer(under the harddrive mount) and a fan at the back (under the powersupply).
2000 / 133 = 15
This means you've got a multiplier of 15
and your front side bus is 133
there is no 'min' and 'max' for a front side bus (FSB or as you stated Clock Frequency)
your proccesor uses a fsb of 133 along with a multiplier of 15 to achieve a clock speed of 2000mhz or 2.0Ghz

I am not sure if your proccesor is unlocked
some amd proccesors used to be unlocked meaning you could change the mulitliplier
the newer proccessors however are LOCKED so you can not change the multiplier

UNLESSSSS you use a 'amd unlocking kit' however since it seems like your just begining to overclock your cpu i dont think you should try it yet untill u've read up on it and see what u need to do what happens and what might happen that you dont want happening...basically the good/bad of the unlocking kit

what the unlocking kit does is unlock the proccessor so that you can raise or lower the multilplier

most people will raise the FSB to a point where it is stable
they will then lower the multilplier..and try to raise the fsb to get more stable overclocks
you will have to experiment and see which combination works for you best

however since your proccessor may be multiplier locked you cant raise or lower your multiplier all you can do is raise or lower ur FSB

lowering your FSB will underclock it so thats probbably not what your looking for

when you raise ur FSB raise it slowly..in increments of 5 maybe
when u get a problem drop down by 1
every time you raise your FSB use a program like "prime 95" to test your cpu and check if all is stable

when you get to a fsb that is stable you can keep it here if you like

heat can be a big factor when it comes to o/c'ing
when you o/c your proccessor it produces more heat which you sould have an adequite way of reducing
a better heatsink/fan combination or even water cooling can fix this for you

the temperature if TOO HIGH will burn out your proccessor and god knows what else might go along with it
you must use some type of thermal sensor (i gues thats what i can call it)
Some motherboards have a thermal sensor located in the cpu socket
from your mother board you will be able to tell the temperature of the cpu die..or very close to the real temperature if you've got this your set..and you can check the temperature from your bios

If not option #2:

if you buy a fan speed controller it will probably have a thermal sensor with it
the one i got (in my sig -Aerogate II-) it has 4 fan speed controllers (u can raise and lower the rpm of the fan) and it has 4 temperature monitors to go along with it
these little temperature monitors are thin so you can place them in tight places
perfectly designed to fit between your heatsink and your proccessor beside the core or under the proccessor inside the socket

do not let heat go to high otherwise u will burn out your proccessor
im not sure of what temp is considered too high with that proccessor but im guessing 50-60 range is safe still
make sure your reading the temperatures correctly you do not want to be reading the temperatures wrong and then have a nasty lil burnt up cpu

Other add in devices can be ruined too
your pci slots and agp slots may also get overclocked depending on your motherboard
some motherboards have a 'lock' in the bios which makes sure that the pci and agp slot frequencies stay the same and do not change however some motherboards as you up the fsb you up the pci/agp frequency too and this can cause many problems for you
you may not be able to go further with the o/c cuz the pci/agp card cant take it...or maybe it might even destroy your pci/agp card/slot

memory is a major factor on how far you can go when it comes to o/c'ing
memory has fast and slow timmings you can usually change in the bios 'depending on the motherboard'
you've got notsure what cl your memory is..but yea...your gonna have to have good memory that can take the o/c'd speeds and will not hold you back when your overclocking

your power supply can effect how far you get too
you need a good enough power supply that will be able to supply the voltages required by your system when you over clock so make sure your PSU can take it
a 300 watt or over psu should be good enough depending on the system you've got (components)

We will need a list of all the components in your cpu...
video card
sound card
lan card
hard drives
cd drives
and anything else you've got to determine how much watts psu you will need

o/c'ing is fun..but you've got to take every factor into consideration before you try it cause loosing a cpu is not fun
its not AS dangerous as this reply might make it sound
but you've got to be careful
im sure you dont want anything to go wrong 😛
take these into consideration and then maybe read up a bit on o/c'ing or ask again if you dont understand something and try it out..dont push the cpu too hard tho 😛 no one knows how far it can go so you've got to test and test and test it to see
good luck o/c'ing 😀 😛
Gary Pandher said:
2000 / 133 = 15
This means you've got a multiplier of 15
and your front side bus is 133
there is no 'min' and 'max' for a front side bus (FSB or as you stated Clock Frequency)
your proccesor uses a fsb of 133 along with a multiplier of 15 to achieve a clock speed of 2000mhz or 2.0Ghz

Wrong forcer said it's a 2000+ and the stock speed is 1667mhz not 2000mhz. So the multiplier for a 2000+ is 12.5 as 133x12.5 = 1667.
oops ...lol
wellll with all that in the reply there had to be one mistake for someone to pick up on 😛

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Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

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