one problem (easy to avoid)
I am running an MS-6380 (VIA K7T266) and WinXP Pro. I got the mobo and CPU (AthlonXP 1800+) at the same time I got WindowsXP, so after having installed everything, I decided to look around for tweaks and what not... I found VIA's IDE Miniport Driver v3.14, and it said it would work with WinXP - so I installed it. Whatever you do, DON'T INSTALL THAT DRIVER!!!
After installing it, my bootup was hella slow, and performance in general was awful. Oh yeah, I had no sound too (???) - System restore and driver rollback didn't work, flashing the BIOS didn't do anything, and MSI and Microsoft tech support were unable to help, so I ended up reinstalling Windows, complete reformat and reinstall. No change. Also, VIA's 4-in-1 driver package doesn't work on XP, so there was no way to revert...
The solution was to reformat, and reinstall
Win98SE, because the VIA 4-in-1 driver package would actually work in Win98. Then, I reformatted again, and reinstalled WinXP and voila! : back to normal.
Anyway I love my system, my boot time was 12 seconds (pre-Bootvis) and now 9 seconds (post-Bootvis) - it's very stable, never crashes, etc... Just DON'T CHANGE THE MINIPORT DRIVER!!!
mavis <---- check out my desktop!