two hardrive experiment for security

Perris Calderon

Staff member
Political Access
24 Jan 2002
two hardrive experiment

I just read the following;

If you are concerned about someone tracking your activity on you local PC, the CONTENT.IE5 folders contain everything. You can view them if you place your drive in another PC.

could someone try to find this file for me if it really exists...if it does, it's important to somehow create a method for getting to this file on any os
Yes its true. You don't have to swap out your HDD to see it.

Content.IE5 is the back end of Temporary Internet Files and History.

Its all under X:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.ie5\

X:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\History\Content.ie5

Clean out (You may want to use a file wipe method) the Temporary Internet Files and History then use Spider to eliminate the index.dat entries and its clean.

Spider will show you exactly what traces are left and where.

I use Spider, MRU Blaster's Plugins and my logon script to catch the rest.
thanx buddy, though I would like to be able to view the file without swapping out hardrives

**miss you
Enyo said:
Clean out (You may want to use a file wipe method) the Temporary Internet Files and History then use Spider to eliminate the index.dat entries and its clean.

Spider will show you exactly what traces are left and where.

I use Spider, MRU Blaster's Plugins and my logon script to catch the rest.

I hope you dont mind me asking on this thread..... 'spider' and 'MRU Blaster's Plugins' ? what are they and what do they do?
you dont need to swap out hard drives...Just manually enter that path cant browse to it in explorer...
leedogg said:
you dont need to swap out hard drives...Just manually enter that path cant browse to it in explorer...
Of course you can browse to it in Explorer... you just need to know how to!
as I recall, the Content.ie5 folder is invisible and you cant navigate there....
For those that don't change their folder options//view settings... YES. it is invisible. and also, it is just TEMP storage of websites you visit. (CTL+N when you are in the folder right before it.)If you want kicks and giggles.. set your Internet options (for IE)///Temporary Internet File Settings//Size to 0. and never have to worry about this. Or you can just create a batch script in autoexec.bat that will deltree blah.blah.blah.blah and then once agian. you wont have to worry about it.

The BIGGEST problem with the temp. internet folder is it's SIZE!!! IE automatically sets this to roughly 1/10 (or somthing like that) the size of you HDD. Do you really want your TEMPORARY files taking up 2GB of space????? set this to 10 MB and your set. (or zero. - not sure exactly what that would do though) There is no need to panic over this. and there is NOTHING uber about poking around in that folder... (Unless you are doing something you shouldn't be doing AND more than one person uses that computer.)
strange. I always have view everything, hide nothing in my folder options and the sucker was still invisible to me. shrugs. Its been awhile since I had to muck around in that folder...looking for swf's??

unhide your folders from windows explorer, not internet explorer, apply to all folders.

enter the path above in run

change the drive to whatever drive you have your temp files on, change the user to your user name

that works here
Perris, like I said you need to manually enter that path in. browse to your temp internet files folder then in the explorer path add: \Content.ie5\
Log in as administrator and view your user profile. You can delete the content.ie5, index.dat, etc, noone seems to like this idea though. I always post it and noone likes it :shrugs:
I just browse to it in explorer and erm.. destroy the damn folder. 😛
j79zlr said:
Log in as administrator and view your user profile. You can delete the content.ie5, index.dat, etc, noone seems to like this idea though. I always post it and noone likes it :shrugs:
I love this's my method of choice to j79, and I suggest this method also

however, I wanted to look at this file that I ws told could only be seen from another os.

in fact it can be seen from your current os, and even the user you are logged in with.
It's hidden along with the Protected Operating System Files (option).

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie Electronic Punk Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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