Hi guys, I'm new here, found out about the forum from a friend who linked me to the AD tutorial. Good stuff Matt.
The easiest way I've found to make the background blend in is this:
Display Properties->Desktop tab-> Color button, then click "Other" to choose more colors.
When you do that, your current desktop color will be displayed in normal decimal format (i.e. Red: 58, Green 110, Blue, 165). Keep the numbers in this order, then use the scientific calculator to convert them to hex format (my example converts to Red: 3A, Green: 6E, Blue: A5). Take these numbers (again, in order), and make them your bgcolor.
My example looks like this:
Hope that helps. 🙂
The easiest way I've found to make the background blend in is this:
Display Properties->Desktop tab-> Color button, then click "Other" to choose more colors.
When you do that, your current desktop color will be displayed in normal decimal format (i.e. Red: 58, Green 110, Blue, 165). Keep the numbers in this order, then use the scientific calculator to convert them to hex format (my example converts to Red: 3A, Green: 6E, Blue: A5). Take these numbers (again, in order), and make them your bgcolor.
My example looks like this:
Hope that helps. 🙂