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I have found out for my self that I have lost my concentration and my good memory as soon as I got addicted to the net. I had a good memory, not f****ng anymore. My memory has gone shit. Does anybody know how to get it back, except for giving up the Internet ?

Why does this HAPPEN ? 😡 😡 😡
Sure! I can help you with....uhhh, what were you saying?😀
If you can't remember, then do you remember that you can't remember?😕
The internet has nothing to do with loss of memory!!
I spend several hours a day online and I have a memory like an ..uh, oh, a, ....... you know, one of those big gray animals!
You lost what ?? where ??......

Damn forgot what i was gonna say ...Damn Concentration ...What was it ???????

Ahh forget it.....................

Little hint if you have found that the internet or computers are affecting your ability to either concentrate or the ability to remember things, could it be the problem was all ready there and you just didn't notice it.

Ask yourself these questions.

1,Do I have a hard time concentrating??

2,Do I often find my mind wandering ???

3, Do I find it hard to sit still ??

4,If I think something is to hard to do I say **** it??

5,Do I find my attention span very short??

Could be you might be A.D.D = Attention Deficete Disorder

Talk to your doctor about it...............🙂
I am saying that, I lose my concentration easily ( I am 14 years old ) !
I feel the same! my school/college work has gone down the erm... drain even more s when I got ADSL fitted...
I dunno whether it's the internet or not, but i CAN'T concentrate at all!
And i'm always tired too...
Ah well, back to erm... **** it!😕
Well, it's time for an intervention. You all need to check out 😀 Stand strong, keep a stiff upper lip and we will get you through this.😛 Nah. Forget what I just said. Oh, you already did?

Vampire, I'm sure your list of questions was good. But, it was too long and I lost my concentration and couldn't finish it. Hope it didn't apply to me.😀
xsivforce i cant believe that there is a site dedicated to netaddiction CRAZZYYYYY

I am addicted and like it, also my memory is bad but that is from other things i do 🙂

must concentrate must concentrate must concentrate - hmmm what was i thinking 😛
Beleive it or not, that is not the only site of its kind. Kinda funny when you think about go "online" to read about "online" addiction. Go figure...😀
best way to stimulate your sufficating synapsys (sp?) is with a good book. Highly recommend "The Cuckoo's Egg" by Cliff Stole for everyone in this forum

i forgot the topic title??? what are we talkin about???
well, if you go to this site here, then you can defrag your memory, and over here is a nice skinnable interface, and this one here lets you change the colors of your surroundings, and, this one's really cool, you put this new "jacket" thingy on, and leave your room (don't worry, the jacket provides virus protection, and the anti-firewall, also known as cold-barrier) and leave your house and walk down the street (I know there's nothing down there, but walk that way anyway) and keep going til you see all these green things, or white if the environmental controls are broken that day, rendered with, get this, 930 GeForce4's! It's great.
Lactic, don't forget you have to wrap the tin foil around your head.(that is the latest virus update)😀

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie Electronic Punk Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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