New to the forums, but here's some suggestions. These are from personal "Work" related issues from a another major printer manufacture..
1. Change your port mode, get out of the ECP, no hybrids either none of that EPP/ECP crap.
2. Are your drivers for XP, did you d\l them? If you did, is it a Setup/install.exe or an *.inf?
If it's an *.inf, then when your starting up, and XP finds that damn printer again, then go through the motions of reinstalling it, direct the H\W wiz to the Folder or Disk were the *.inf is. If it's not digi signed by bill's people, then con't anyway. Also if It asks you to Keep or Replace? REPLACE IT.
If it was a setup/install.exe installation, then, this sucks, but for a test. enable hidden and system files. Reboot, Did XP do it again. If so the Printer man, needs a new driver ver.
BTW..This shit can happen on any interface...damn plug and pray