Starting Explorer in My Computer Folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter GoatsBreath
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Does anyone know how to force Explorer to open in the "My Computer" Folder by default so that I get a picture of the Hard Drives rather than it opening in "My Documents" (current default)?

Alternatively, can I force My Computer to open with the "Folders" button depressed by default as it will give me the same scenario.

Cheers 😀

Yessir. This is actually a LOT longer then it needs to be, but it's good info:

Create a new Explorer shortcut.

Once you have your new Explorer shortcut, right-click it, then click Properties. In Windows 2000, you'll see this command line: %SystemRoot% \explorer.exe. In Windows 98, you'll see something such as the following: c:\windows \explorer.exe /n, /e, c:\.

This latter command line hints at the parameters that Explorer supports. The syntax of these parameters is as follows (I've eliminated the path for brevity's sake): explorer {/n} {,/e} {,/root, x} {{,/select}, y}.

The /n switch opens a new Explorer window, even if an existing window is open. The /e switch specifies a two-pane Explorer view, rather than a single pane. Note that commas are necessary between parameters.

The /root and /select switches make things interesting. You use /select -- followed by file, folder, or computer name y -- to highlight the selected object and put Explorer's focus on its parent. You use /root in the same way, followed by x, to open Explorer with object x fixed at the "top" of the tree view.

You would typically use the /select switch to make Explorer start with a specific folder or drive selected. By contrast, the /root switch, which is used less often, makes Explorer display a window in which the "root" you've specified is as high as you can go.

Here are some examples. The following command line would start Explorer with the Docs folder open and the file Today.doc selected: explorer /n, /e, /select,c:\docs \today.doc.

Perhaps you don't need to select a specific file but only want Explorer to focus on a different drive letter than the default. In that case, you can dispense with the optional /select switch and simply name the drive.

For example, the following command line would cause Explorer to open with its focus on the D: drive, which might be your CD-ROM or other device: explorer /n, /e, d:\.

The following /root command would start Explorer with Server1 at the top of the tree: explorer /n, /e, /root, \\server1.

Most, if not all, the above applies to XP as well.
Copy and paste this to open explorer up with C:\ expanded in a two pane veiw:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n, /e, c:\
Lonman - your a legend!!!

It works a treat - thanks for your help and fast reponse

Cheers 😀

You're very welcome. Legend?? Only in my dreams, lol 😀
It's been ticking me off for days.....

1 simple request - all fixed!!!

Lonman, how do you get exlorer to focus on 'My computer' with none of the branches expanded... ?
Originally posted by Lukas
Lonman, how do you get exlorer to focus on 'My computer' with none of the branches expanded... ?
Good question... I don't know 😕
After some experimenting I find that C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE /n,/e, /root, will expand nothing, with focus on Desktop. Close enough?
Firstly let me say a big thank you to LONMAN for the invaluable information given.
Secondly this is how you make Explorer focus on "My Computer" with no branches expanded:-
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,/select,c:\

Oops, my first post and I messed up, I should have posted this:-
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,/n,/select,/root,c:
1110100 1101000 1101110 1111000 100000 1100010 1101001 1101110 1100001 1110010 1111001

that is indeed close enough, binary

the binaries mean 'thnx binary' 😀
Ok Explorer command switches gods-- here is one for ya:

I have two HDs, and regular use both. I use Windows Explorer ALL the time, yet I get peeved at how it only opens C:\ by default.

Is there a way to tell it using the shortcut command switches to open both C:\ and D:\ (to have them automatically explaned in the left pane) when windows explorer opens?

It would be VERY appreciated.

Originally posted by Jeeves
Ok Explorer command switches gods-- here is one for ya:

I have two HDs, and regular use both. I use Windows Explorer ALL the time, yet I get peeved at how it only opens C:\ by default.

Is there a way to tell it using the shortcut command switches to open both C:\ and D:\ (to have them automatically explaned in the left pane) when windows explorer opens?

It would be VERY appreciated.

Using separate shortcuts yes.

For C: drive "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n, /e, c:\"

For D: Drive "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n, /e, d:\"

For E: Drive "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n, /e, e:\"

Without the quotes, of course. 😉
Drat. /C:, /D: does not work.

I wanted it to show both at once =P

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