Just if I had to guess how they got haunted: I was walking in Harlem a few weeks ago, and an old man came over to me. He said, he used to live on this street, and a lot the oppressed black people had no jobs and would tap dance on this spot for a few pennies a day. Anyway, he told me of this one guy, Kenny the penny. They called him that cause EVERY time he tap danced, he would get a penny from everyone who saw him. EVERY TIME he was THAT good. Anyway, one day, one of the local thugs, don't know who, shot him for all his pennies, and even took his shoes!! Damn! One day however, his shoes showed up on this exact spot where he was killed. No one knows why, but they do know, that they could only give those shoes to someone who wants them. Otherwise they walk back to the previous owner. So, here this old guy pulls out these shoes, and aks me if I want em. I said ok, and it almost seemed like they flew into my hands!! Anyway, as the guy walked away from me, he chuckled, and said, you don't owe me any money, besides, I still got to get rid of a hand full of pennies. Then he turned the corner, and when I went after him he was gone.