I'll mess with it on lunch since it will probably bring down ISA server.
2000 SP3.
Replace both the MSSQLServer and SQLServerAgent service accounts (with LocalSystem) with a selected account
Provide this new account with the right to read in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL directory, remembering to check the "Reset permissions on all child objects" option in the Advanced dialog box
Grant full privileges in DATA and LOG sub-directories for this new account
Run the registry using regedt32.exe (in such a manner so as to allow for editing of privileges - use regedit.exe if in Windows XP) and grant full permissions for the account in the registry key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer. Re-run the "Reset permissions on all child objects ..."
Grant read permission to the account (read only!) in the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLSERVER
Run the MSSQLServer service
Add the service account to the sysadmin server role (to support the SQLServerAgent service), using the following SQL commands:
1> sp_grantlogin 'COMPUTER\account_sql'
2> go
Granted login access to 'COMPUTER\account_sql'.
1> sp_addsrvrolemember 'COMPUTER\account_sql','sysadmin'
2> go
'COMPUTER\account_sql' added to role 'sysadmin'.
I'm gonna look through these too ...