Server Maintenance: MySQL Update


Political Access
5 Dec 2001
Server Maintenance: MySQL downgrade

This is a note to all members.

The site will be down from 9 PM to 10 PM. I hope no further down time is needed.

The things that need to be done:

MySQL downgrade. 4.0 --> 3.23
Apache config cleanup
general MySQL maintenance (Optimizing tables)

The downtime will be minimal, but could last up to one hour. Please do not be alarmed, as we will be back ASAP.

X-Istence server admin
Server Maintenance: MySQL

Sorry for the extra downtime. After some testing it was found that MySQL 3.23 does not work well either.

I found a few hacks to make MySQL 4.0 faster on FreeBSD, and installed them. Currently we are back up and running with no expected downtime anywhere in the future.

We thank you for sticking with us, once again sorry for the extra downtime.

X-Istence server admin

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie Electronic Punk Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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