Samurize weather

Evil Marge

I Rule
Political Access
4 Jul 2002
Help,I've downloaded Samurize and I want the weather on my desktop but I keep getting "Malicious Script Detected" in the config.exe and client.exe.
What's going on??? 😡
Norton creates this message, right? What script are you using for your weather... DesktopWeatherXML? As for config.exe, I've never seen that process run when I have Samurize running. Samurize only produces client.exe in the processes of the task manager.
Config.exe should be running. It is the configuration program part of samurize.
Thanks guy's Funky Dredd told me what is was so I've sorted it 😀
Still can't get it to work though,for some reason the temp,humidity etc is alway blank 😕 Everythings set as it's supposed to be so i've no idea whats wrong.
dreamliner77 said:
Config.exe should be running. It is the configuration program part of samurize.

I was a bit confused but we're both right. Config.exe is the config editor, but that doesn't have to be running all of the time. Client.exe is the process that displays the configuration on the desktop.

@Marge - do you know what weather script you are using? It helpful to know when trying to figure these things out. 🙂
I'm using,or trying to use the DesktopWeatherXML v1.4.
Some people say it's easier to use the suite Tadis created over at "cough" AS "cough"... 🙂 Although I ain't tried it myself.. I should once just to see.. 🙂 Hope you get it worked out though Emarge...
I did try Tadis' suite, and I found DesktopWeatherXML easier to configure. The configurations really are so simple, that I'm not sure what might be wrong. Marge, you might attach the script (or config) as it is and I could play with it a bit.
I'm just real happy my samurize is workin' fine.. I used to have a lot of grief before 1.4 🙂
Oh guy's thanks for mentioning Tadis' suite,I've got and it works like a dream.
Wish I'd known about it before,I'd have had it all set up in 5 minutes 🙄 😀
Woo-Hoo .. Right on!! I'm glad you got it working E-marge.. 🙂

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Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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