RealVNC question


Overclocked Like A Mother
8 Jul 2002
Hi Guys,

I am trying to use RealVNC to remote desktop my XPHome machine. I have port-forwarded 5800 & 5900 on my router. The trouble is when I start the VNC client from a remote computer (Outside my home network). I input the info and password into the remote client machine and the server desktop appears and works fine for about 30seconds and then the VNC client shuts itself off. I re-input the info and password again into the VNC client and it works fine for about 30 seconds again and them it shuts off.
I do use the same RealVNC setup within my home network from another networked computer, with no problems.
I have checked their website, but I cannot find an answer to this dilemma.

Thanks in advance.

this might not help ur problem...but i like tightvnc when accessing my computers from outside the network. it lets you use a jpeg compression protocol that really speeds things up, works alot better than realvnc imho
do you have a router or anything like that, you might need to forward port 5800 which I think is the RealVNC port, though you would probably have had to do that anyway to be able to connect to it in the first place

He DID set the port forwarding. He typed it in his message. Still asleep?

btw, I find Ultr@VNC better than the above user's 'TightVNC'. Ultr@VNC can already do TightVNC compression, it already has it, and has more advanced features.

In any case, it has to work for that user in the first place before he can do anything. Here are some things you can check. Do you have anything else turned on (or off) in your Router? For instance, do you have a VPN operating? or did you change the IPSEC settings? If so, set it back to normal.

Do you have a software firewall running on the pc? Such as ZoneAlarm or Sygate? One that might block or hinder that port? If so, allow those ports.

You may find some useful tools on the site . They have a utilty called VNCINFO which can get remote VNC server information which might reveal some diagnostics.
nah, not slept yet still doing programming
you tried forwarding the range from 5800 to 5900?

I friend of mine has this working fine, but I cant get a hold of him at the mo to find out what he did to make it work
Forwarding just port 5900 should do the trick, unless you're using the Web/Java applet client. As RolfHenner mentioned, it might have something to do with the other settings on your router, but I can't be sure what it is.

By the way, I prefer UltraVNC too.
I have forwarded ports 5800 and 5900, not 5800 to 5900 (Linksys BESFR41). I have as well ports 20 and 21 forwarded

UltraVNC is doing the same thing as well, Remote desktop window stays open indefinatly, without a hitch from within my home network, but remote desktop window closes itself out after a few seconds from a remote machine outside the network.

I don't think it is software firewall in the server tower as because I do have access, even for a few seconds. So it must be in the router. Is there any other settings that I could try?

It is happening both when I try using my ISP assigned IP address and when I use my DNS resolver.

The port forwarding is fine (it connects!), though only 5800 is needed for single access via the normal viewer. The problem lies in the fact that vnc detects that the connection has been dropped after a while. Since RD does the same thing, it's not a problem with vnc.

It seems the connection times out or is dropped after just a short while, and the problem seems to be in the router or firewall between the accessed host and the internet. What this could be, I don't know, but it's not to do with port forwarding. 🙂

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