I've just been reading an article in Future Publishing's PCFormat magazine
about BT's futurologist Ian Pearson,
and if what he predicts is to pass then we will have one hell of a ride hehe.
There's also a good chance if you're under 30 you'll want to read this even more...
Before you dismiss this out of hand, only know he currently enjoys an 85%
success at 10 years range. 😉
Now tell me, that hasn't worried you?..hehe
You can read more on Ian & his predictions at the following pages..
About Ian Pearson
I've just been reading an article in Future Publishing's PCFormat magazine
about BT's futurologist Ian Pearson,
and if what he predicts is to pass then we will have one hell of a ride hehe.
There's also a good chance if you're under 30 you'll want to read this even more...
"...we'll be able to keep our bodies in good shape for very much
longer when we have mature biotech ansd nanotech, say in 50 years time.
That itself will make our lifespans increase to over 100 for most of us. But our
bodies will still die. Our minds can carry on in cyberspace since we will be
able to make a backup by then, and just copy it to an android body when our
own body dies. So biological death won't be the end, it'll just be like changing
your car with a feeling of sadness saying goodbye to the old one, but joy in
moving into the better new with all the bells and whistles. Death won't be a
career problem any more. It really annoys me that i'm too old to benefit from
this and will be the last generation to die. Anyone under the age of 30 has a
very good chance of immortality"
- 2004
- AI teachers in schools
. - 2005
- War fought over water supply
- Designer babies
. - 2010
- Video tattoos
- Most bombers and fighters flown remotely
- Orgasms by email
- Smelly telly using chips with small reservoirs of chemicals
. - 2013
- "Kitchen Rage" caused by electric gadgets
- AI entity gains degree
. - 2015
- Desktop computer as fast as human brain
- 3D video conferencing
. - 2020
- Computer enhanced dreaming
- Electronic pets outnumber organic pets
- Regular manned missions to Mars
- Electronic life-form given basic rights (nah that don't include you [e]-punk😛)
- Deep underground cities in Japan
. - 2025
- Creation of "The Matrix"
- More robots than people in developed countries
. - 2030
- Robots physically & mentally superior to humans
- Emotion control chips used to control criminals
. - 2035
- Artificial brain
. - 2040
- Moonbase the size of a small village
Before you dismiss this out of hand, only know he currently enjoys an 85%
success at 10 years range. 😉
Now tell me, that hasn't worried you?..hehe
You can read more on Ian & his predictions at the following pages..
About Ian Pearson