From a recent email I received:
andDear Valued Raxco Customer,
We are pleased to present a special early bird notice to you!
PerfectDisk Version 8.0 will be launched to the general public on September 12th, 2006. Because you are covered under our Support and Upgrade Protection program, we are happy to make Version 8 available to you now, ahead of the general release.
And here's a screenshot: I have to say I am not enthusiastic about the GUI.PerfectDisk 8 contains many enhancements, including:
- new Command Center console if you are managing multiple machines
- redesigned user interface
- faster engine including new patent-pending Resource Saver technology for faster file access
- new intelligent Screen Saver mode
- new graphical displays
- enhanced scheduling options with AutoPilot Scheduling (formerly Scheduling)
- new Single File Defrag
- new Consolidate Free Space
- new CPU and I/O throttling
- new automatic Shutdown after defrag
- new Power Management
PerfectDisk 8 is another big step forward for the industry's leading disk defragmenter.