Hi there i'm new on this forum,my name's andrew^^ nice to meet you guys
can anyone tell me which 3rd gen consol i ought to purchase???i know there's a lot of talking about this very conflict but the thing stands thus:i have to choose and i don't want to regret my choice afterwards...so can anyone tell me if ps3 is worth it?..because it's 500$...in spite of being a sony fan that's still a lot of money is it?
I spent a LOT of time agonizing over this decision myself.
I ended up purchasing the Xbox for a few reasons. Availability of games. This is the BIGGEST reason. There are simply more games and more come to the console sooner than for the PS3 (which is harder to code for).
It is also a little cheaper and has a lot of decent accesories. Further, I find the new Xbox controller to be a lot easier to use than the ps3 controller (or the ps2 or psONE).
Those are the pro's and included are positive comments about DIRT (which looks and plays GREAT) and Forza 2 which looks as good as the GT5 demo on the PS3.
The other BIG pro is you have rumble and feedback in the controllers and Xbox Live to connect to people is GREAT
😀 Halo 3 has been a rollicking smash for me. Most fun I've ever had on a console.
Here are the cons. There is no blu-ray player built-in, there are no decent wheels available and you cannot just connect a wheel like the G-25 on the Xbox. The PS3 supports regular wheels for a couple of games and likely will do so for GT5. Further, UE3 seems to have support for a keyboard and mouse, which is awesome. Unfortunately for my consideration it is going to be delayed well beyond when I can be playing it on a PC or Xbox.
One thing you have to understand is the majority of the cross-platform (xbox/ps3/pc) games being produced are being designed and tested on an xbox. Then they are ported to the PC and then they are ported to the PS3. The STANDARD is the Xbox and you have to keep that in mind when making your purchase. That's what I did.
I would also consider waiting for the ps3 40GB option if you REALLY want to get it, since it is going to be out for about $399.
If you get the Xbox, consider getting the Halo edition since it has the newer processor (smaller/cooler).