- Joined
- 3 Dec 2001
- Messages
- 1,207
The Official OSNN Chat Room (#osnn on irc.squeaknet.net) is a place where you can hang out, have some fun and, if needed, gain technical support from members of the OSNN community.
Here are the Channel Rules, which are subject to change: (Last updated 27 January 2004)
There are absolutly no F-Serve bots or other such clients in the chatroom. Do not ask for illegal copies of Windows XP or other software. Do not use F-Serve triggers such as !list or @find in the chatroom.
Flaming, and other racist or derogatory remarks againt other users in the chatroom. Infracitons will result in immedate ban.
Spamming is prohibited. Please do not use the chatroom to advertise other websites or services.
Please do not private message (with the IRC /msg command) ops (@), subops (+), or other users if you are looking for technical support. Please state your problem in the public chatroom so everyone has a chance to help you with your problem.
Please refrain from excessive use of colored or bold text in the chatroom. They simply annoy other users, and will not get your questions answered any faster.
If you are an mIRC user, please refrain from using heavily scripted mIRC addons, or disable most of the scripting. This includes scripts that respond to in-channel triggers (such as !seen), F-Serve bots (such as Polaris), and scripts that autoformat shortcuts like BRB into a colorful "Be Right Back". Please disable these features.
NOTE: Info about your comptuer hardware can aid in troubleshooting. Scripts that display System Info/Stats (moo.dll scripts) ONLY are exempt from the no color / no script guidelines.
Violation of these guidelines will result in a kick or ban from the chatroom. Channel Operators (users with the @ next to their name) may be exempt from these rules at any time.
If you feel you have been unfairly treated in the chatroom please report it in the 'Site Problems' section of the forums or rejoin the channel to recieve an explanation.
Thank You,
#osnn IRC Administrator / Forum Super Moderator
Here are the Channel Rules, which are subject to change: (Last updated 27 January 2004)
There are absolutly no F-Serve bots or other such clients in the chatroom. Do not ask for illegal copies of Windows XP or other software. Do not use F-Serve triggers such as !list or @find in the chatroom.
Flaming, and other racist or derogatory remarks againt other users in the chatroom. Infracitons will result in immedate ban.
Spamming is prohibited. Please do not use the chatroom to advertise other websites or services.
Please do not private message (with the IRC /msg command) ops (@), subops (+), or other users if you are looking for technical support. Please state your problem in the public chatroom so everyone has a chance to help you with your problem.
Please refrain from excessive use of colored or bold text in the chatroom. They simply annoy other users, and will not get your questions answered any faster.
If you are an mIRC user, please refrain from using heavily scripted mIRC addons, or disable most of the scripting. This includes scripts that respond to in-channel triggers (such as !seen), F-Serve bots (such as Polaris), and scripts that autoformat shortcuts like BRB into a colorful "Be Right Back". Please disable these features.
NOTE: Info about your comptuer hardware can aid in troubleshooting. Scripts that display System Info/Stats (moo.dll scripts) ONLY are exempt from the no color / no script guidelines.
Violation of these guidelines will result in a kick or ban from the chatroom. Channel Operators (users with the @ next to their name) may be exempt from these rules at any time.
If you feel you have been unfairly treated in the chatroom please report it in the 'Site Problems' section of the forums or rejoin the channel to recieve an explanation.
Thank You,
#osnn IRC Administrator / Forum Super Moderator