OS X Skin for Bloglines


I may actually be insane.
31 Mar 2002
Not an OS X specific hack, but it's designed to fit in with the OS, so may look out of place on Windows.

When applied, Bloglines looks something like this:


So, if you use Bloglines (Google reader convert myself) then give it a go: http://www.hicksdesign.co.uk/journal/os-x-skin-for-bloglines
That does look interesting, but I agree it wouldn't look right on a PC.

Not to hijaack - but what is your take on Google Reader? I tried it recently after it got updated, I didn't see anything worth switching over from Bloglines to be honest.
Google Reader > Bloglines.

They've bastardised Bloglines recently with all the Ajax-y rubbish thrown at it, if anything it made it slower than it previously was. Google reader actually works with Safari properly (unlike BL), it also updates feeds much faster than Bloglines.

It does have its downsides, I think the loading times are pretty weak, however once the initial load passes, everything just flows, and the ability to view all your items is very welcomed. Also I don't like how feeds are restricted to a portion of your screen height, where-as Bloglines utilises the full height of your browser/screen.

Overall though, I think that Google Reader just offers a better experience.
Good opinions all around.

I actually like the "Ajax-y" effect that Bloglines has inherited recently. That was one of the negatives I always thought about Bloglines is you had to manually refresh. Now I pretty much leave the page open all day long and check it from time-to-time.

I really have no complaints, with Bloglines at all 🙂
Jon Hicks is the man. Too bad I don't use Bloglines anymore. I'll copy paste my thoughts on Google Reader:

I've been using it for about a week now. It's a joy to use!

I love the "mark items as read when I scroll by them" feature.

I love the ability to view starred and shared items on a single list.

I love the speed and the little refresh button in the bottom left corner.

Now all they need to do is integrate something like a del.icio.us service into Reader and it'll be damn near perfect.

Bye bye bloglines.
Version 1.3: http://www.hicksdesign.co.uk/journal/bloglines-skin
- The biggie is that feeds are now displayed properly when using keyboard shortcuts to scroll to previous and next (J, K)

- Read feeds are no longer bold – only unread feeds

- The status message when refreshing the subscriptions is now skinned (includes an OS X spinner!)

- Things outstanding for another version*:

- Changing the default ‘feed with no favicon’ icon

-Alternative header to the wood
Maybe I'll have to look at this a bit deeper, as I said I only gave it a few minutes. Probably not a fair time to judge it 😉

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Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
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Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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