Online Gaming Nics


OSNN Veteran Addict
5 Mar 2003
It's occurred to me that many of us here enjoy the odd online game or three,
It would be good to find out the usernames/nics you use and for which games you play...
Also mention if you belong to any clan(s)

That way, it'll make it much it much more fun if you enter a CS server for
example and you may find several NTFS member's in there,
and know who they are too *grins demonically*

You can sleep safe in the knowledge you fragged an NTFS admin..
err, not that anyone actually would *whistles*...*runs* 😛

So let's get started....

I mostly only play UT2003 online at the mo' and always CTF Instagib.
Haven't bothered getting into anything else online for a while,
but have a got a few titles, itching to be let loose.. 😀

The username you can frag me under is Erbman
I use that nic for every game I play online, and if that's gone,
I either use Erbmaster, or Erbm@n.

I've been asked to join several UT2K3 clans on several occasions,
but i'm just too lazy to make the games and practices etc.
Seems too serious to me, I merely play for the fun 'o' the frag!!

So..over to you 😉
i play medal of honor & battlefield 1942 under the name GoNz0 (what else) with my clan tags infront. -=7th-DR=- GoNz0
Jewelzz said:
Shouldn't this be under gaming?
Wasn't quite sure about that Jewelzz.😕
I hummed and ahhed about it and decided on here, because it was
more a discussion of user's nics, than the games themselves.
But I have no objections if ya want it moved 😉😀
i used to play quake1 mega teamfortress, on the used to be ranked in top50players 🙂 my name was |strange| part of a few clams ICU, KF, HoP, QMD

anyone else play mtf?
I play CoD and used to play MOHAA.
For CoD Im Unleashed.
For MOHAA I was -=FDP=- Konrad - uber sniper ownage if you ever played with me 😎
I play a lot of age of empires: conquerers. My handle there is _meSuPaFly_ 😉
I play online but now on PC. Been playing Halo online via my Xbox for about a year now. In fact I started up a clan a few months ago. My nick is OmarG thought I write it with the clan tag as {RR}OmarG. The clan is called Running Riot and I even made a site for it:

I plan to get back into pc gaming, but that's when I upgrade my PC. 😉 Right now Xbox LIVE will do 😛
I Play SoFII

I play Soldier of Fortune 2 as you've guessed it, "Ezergeezer", to many cheats on CS. Used to play Team Fortress but the graphics look a little dated now.
Excellent!. We're getting a good few names up now, nice response peeps 😀
Keep 'em coming...

Ezergeezer: I occassionally play SOF2 so will keep an eye open for ya 😉
I know what you mean about the cheats... 🙁
I used to love Jedi Outcast online, but they soon made that unplayable too.
Shooting through walls etc. losers.
bezel or cannon fodder when I do play, though it seems like a lot of people use the name cannon fodder, mainly playing CS and might try to get on steam as well
Impossible Creatures = NRX_OldGUY
DeltaForce BHD = FaT *BoB*
My nick is the same playing online as it is on irc... [e]Kr0m.
Game: Urban Terror, a Quake 3 mod. I've been playing this for a few years.
I'm currently ranked 4th (was 1st yesterday) on but this site's stats seem a bit wierd, by no means I am the #1 player in this mod.
[e]= clan [e]nigma - @ #enigma
Mod - (currently being moved) @ #urbanterror

Those of you with Q3 and maybe interested, stop by and check us(and the mod) out.
I used to play MOHAA (Spearhead) under the name of Spook. Perhaps I have fragged some of you? Right now all of my time on the computer when playing games is consumed by Planetside where I go by the handle of One Armed Bandit. I suggest if any of you have not played this game, give it a shot. It is a little overwhelming at first but you will be rewarded for sticking with it.

I personally feel it's the best game. period.
diablo2:lod - *AlmostJesus (running joke)
XIII - quist |or| rosenquist (last name)
Savage Eden - quist |or| blackthorne (street name)
F-X for all the online games that I play 🙂.
I play everything on PC, and everygame that I play I use the names "b-man__, Bman™,[Bman]" and then sometimes I use "[Scooter]"

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Also Hi EP and people. I found this place again while looking through a oooollllllldddd backup. I have filled over 10TB and was looking at my collection of antiques. Any bids on the 500Mhz Win 95 fix?
Any of the SP crew still out there?
Xie Electronic Punk Xie wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Impressed you have kept this alive this long EP! So many sites have come and gone. 🙁

Just did some crude math and I apparently joined almost 18yrs ago, how is that possible???
hello peeps... is been some time since i last came here.
Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.

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