Incompatibility problems ? You should have a word with a couple of my mates who've recently bought p4 rigs, no end of problems.
Guess not everyone things Intel chips are all they're cracked up to be. Not saying AMD are better, just saying I've had a lot less problems with mine than those people i know with p4's.
I mainly use my pc for gaming, and that seems to be the Athlon XP's strong point, which is why I went with it. I was also looking at 2 gig p4's, but why spend my hard earned £'s when i could get the same performance for a lot less ? More money in my pocket to spend on other things rather than ploughing it all into my pc and not gaining anything in a gaming environment. Plus with the money I saved I got an Audigy card and Cambridge Inspire 5.1's, so not only does my pc cream the crap out of games, but it is also ridiculously loud. Oh, and I still had change left over from the price of a 2 gig p4 without the sound card and speakers. Perhaps 1 day I'll have enough £'s to buy a p4 as a second system for word processing