Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread
Honestly Bman, If you're tired of the solo grind at level 25, you really aren't going to like much after that.
Personally I think the mid 30's are a pain, and the late 50's
To think you have the 'joys' of Uldaman and Mauradon to look forward to /shudder
I have a load of footage on YouTube somewhere, a friend was a FRAPS addict and used to fraps everything lol
We have stuff from ZG/MC/BWL etc through to The Prince In Kara etc.
Pretty much stopped raiding after that, but if you're interested Bman, I'll see if I can find them for you.
Also have a real funny one of 2 of us 'Bot farming' in Burning Steppes.
PvP and mob training used to work a charm against the Farmer bots :bandit:
Also know a few neat tricks for acquiring hard to find pets etc too
I resubscribed played for about an hour and then cancelled again.
Ahh I see, you resubbed, then stood in Org/IF (delete as applicable
😛) and used WoW as a glorified IRC channel for an hour catching up with friends.
Then looked at the clock and thought better of it?
Ahem....uhmm.... Guilty, done that too. Logged in, flew about Outland for a bit, did some daredevil bungee
(dismount at max altitude, and then see how late you dare hit levitate)
Normally levitate is cast well after terminal velocity and the floor has met me quicker than I thought it would. If you are lucky enough to survive, you're probably in the middle of a batch of uber fast respawning mobs
Deep joy lol.
Definitely has it's plus points tho....damn, all this talk is getting me reminiscing.
*backs slowly away from the keyboard*