Hi there. I got a new board just over a month ago and I was surprised how much the heat of my cpu went up. On my old board (Gigabyte 7vax) I was getting cpu temps of around 42c. With my new one (chaintech zenith 7njs) my cpu temp are 49-50c idle. I was fretting over the last month ,putting in a new heat sink (coolermaster jet 7) and new fans and changing the paist on my cpu to artic silver 5. But the temp stayed the same no matter what I did. I found the ansewer on this forum. http://www.ocworkbench.com/ocwb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=31;t=000217;p=1
It's aparently normal for nforce 2 boards.
It's aparently normal for nforce 2 boards.